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The Intern Group

Why choose The Intern Group?

The Intern Group is the leading provider of international internship programs with 15,000+ alumni specializing in various industries, and with over 1,000+ 5* reviews online. We inspire and encourage people to believe in and challenge themselves, discover their passion and realize their potential.

Our intern abroad programs span all sectors, from roles in business, marketing, PR and finance to positions in governments and NGOs. These are high-quality, sought after roles that will propel your career development forward and help you stand out in an increasingly competitive job market. If you are looking to travel abroad while also gaining invaluable experience for your CV, this is the perfect opportunity for you.

Choose from 9 exciting destinations or go remote! You could intern at world-renowned companies or startups in Madrid, Dublin, London, New York, Tokyo, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Melbourne, Medellin or choose a remote program.



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Yes, I recommend this program

Definitely worth doing

It was such a once in a lifetime experience because of the people you meet and share it with. I think what made my internship worth while was the people I was placed with. I have made real friendships with the people I was with. The actual internship was a strange experience as my boss wasn’t entirely helpful while I was there. She sort of just left me to my own devices most days. But as i was the first intern to be placed with her, i can’t blame the intern group for that. Honestly if it was a little cheaper I would definitely do it again.

What was your funniest moment?
Most of the moments with my flat mates
  • Meet new people
  • Live in a different country
  • Homesickness
  • Living with other people who don’t have the same lifestyle
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Giorgia Silvia
Yes, I recommend this program

My personal point of view

In the beginning, it was challenging to get used to my different customs, especially in the working environment and relationships with colleagues, which put me outside my comfort zone. However, this experience changed my life, helping me overcome my insecurities and gain confidence. It gave me the chance to have a clear idea of who I want to be in the future and understand which will be the next step to achieving success. I would suggest anyone looking for motivation and change apply for an interview with the provider and be open to what the experience brings to you.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Had the best overseas internship experience of my life!

Choosing the Location
Applied in Jan 2024 to The Intern Group's 6-week Tokyo program that began in April 2024. Initially took a week to decide which location I would go to but after that, the decision making process was done quite fast including deciding to withdraw my interest for the first job offer hoping that, the next offer would better suit what I would like to learn. I would say, go for a bigger company if you are undecided and would like to enjoy perks that could include free snacks, more clubbing, more drinking sessions etc. Choose a small company (less than 5) if you are certain on what skill set to learn and can see yourself implementing your ideas at, independently.

While in Tokyo
Erika has been my main go-to coordinator and she has done a superb job at organising weekly meetups, checking in on us via text or having one-on-one dates and being the best guide around Tokyo! Many occasions, she'd be the link between us interns and the locals and I truly find her a lifesaver. Wouldn't have been able to order my favourite orange juice without her! I hope future interns will get to meet someone like Erika when they are miles away from home.

Wrapping Up and Future Plans
I wish I could stay in Tokyo for longer. It is my last week here and I am wrapping up my project and applying to full time roles in Japan and back home. I will remember the connections that I've made and the skills I've gained which will continue to shape my career.

  • Safety
  • Affordable food options
  • Meeting people from different backgrounds
  • Non-paid however, you may get to claim food/transport depending on company.
  • People don't mind waiting in line for hours for food but you know the food will be worth the wait.
Response from The Intern Group

Thanks so much for sharing about your experience in Tokyo. We are glad to hear that our Experience Coordinator, Erica, has been such a supporting figure on your journey!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Highly recommend experience

I did the full 6 months in Madrid for my year in industry as part of my Bachelor's degree and I loved every second of it. From the second I landed in Madrid, I felt so exceptionally supported by TIG from the private driver to take me to the amazing Flat to the invaluable support from Laltia and Nikte. I had the pleasure of befriending numerous individuals from a multitude of countries that will last a lifetime. Every week Nik organized so many different amazing events ranging from essential Madrid experiences to uncovering hidden local gems, you'll never find yourself with nothing to do in Madrid and I would like to thank Nik for her hard work :)

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Even though I was there for 6 months it still felt like 6 seconds, so I would recommend taking advantage of every second of free time so you can make the most of your experience in Madrid.
  • Getting to make new friends from people arround the world
  • The organised event from Nik
  • Support from Nik and Lalita
  • Price
Response from The Intern Group

Hey Suleman, we are glad to hear that you have had such a memorable semester abroad in Madrid! Thrilled to know that Lalita and Nikte have been such a positive influence on your experience.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Interning in Madrid - The Intern Group

Interning in Madrid was one of the best experiences of my life, and has left me with lifelong skills, memories and friends. My two months felt like just two seconds, but were packed with so much fun and learning. The Intern Group was amazing in organising my work placement and accommodation, and ensuring that my time in Madrid was enjoyable and safe.
This program allows for professional development and first-hand industry experience alongside cultural immersion and the adventure of travel, and if you have the means to participate I highly recommend you take the opportunity!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Take advantage of the opportunities from the very first moment! Madrid offers so many things to do and see, and Madrileños are so friendly and always happy to share their recommendations for the best tapas spots or bars.
Response from The Intern Group

Hey Zoe, thanks for sharing your thoughts about Madrid! We are thrilled that you have had such a memorable experience.


Displaying 1 - 9 of 12

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I graduated in July 2018 and I wanted to gain experience while traveling. Asia is quite strong in the industry I will one day be working for, so this program was an amazing opportunity. The intern group offers lots of destinations and their website is well organized. It was easy to apply and I got a reply the day after. Each program is based on the city you pick and they offer to get you an internship whatever your field is. They’re friendly and for any extra questions, you can contact them by email or Skype.

What did your program provider assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

Being an internship program, the agency helped me with finding an internship role in my career field, an accommodation and they kept in contact with me throughout the whole interview process.

Although I had to sort out the visa myself, they helped me figure out how to fill in the visa application, what kind of visa I needed and what documents I needed in order to apply.

The program includes activities such as trips around near cities, dinners together, Chinese/ language classes, mainstream tourists activities haha and you will be sharing all these adventures with all the other interns too so you are literally never alone.

The guys from the agency here in Shanghai love to organize extra dinners or cinema nights with us as extra activities just to keep in touch with us, which is appreciated by all of us, interns.

I had to sort out my own flight, but as soon as you’re done with that they will organize a taxi ride from the airport to the hotel and vice versa for your departure back home so you don’t have to worry about missing your flights/ finding your accommodation. You get a SIM card organized as well with credit for the first month and a metro card with credit for the first month as well.

In the welcome pack, there’s a bunch of apps they recommend to download.

They won’t tell you to get a VPN, but your workplace probably will.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

The agency explains everything you need to know, they tell you which apps are blocked in China, they organize a language class / cultural class in your first weekend so that if you have questions on how to behave in China you can get answers and tips.

I probably just wished I knew how cool and fashionable people are here.

The only piece of advice is to get a good VPN; even Google is blocked and, trust me, you don’t want to have to research stuff in Chinese on Baidu (well, unless you speak the language).

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

I wake up, quick breakfast and then I go to work until 6:30pm, then I usually meet up with few internships to have dinner and a walk around the city, Tianzifang by night is absolutely gorgeous.

We go on an adventure on Saturdays and Sundays. Shanghai is massive and visiting all of it can take quite the time.

Saturday nights we usually go clubbing (and clubbing in Shanghai is an experience as well, haha). It’s great for foreigners and the agency knows few PR’s us interns can ask for deals and free entry clubs.

There are lots to do so we always try to organize things together, but going on exploration alone is something I always do, so some Sundays I just wander by myself.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

Personally, I am used to travel to other countries.

I have never been outside Europe before, though, so I didn’t know what to expect. You know, you can read about things and try to imagine, but it is never how you expect it to be so I just let it happen.

I had no fear. I got told that Shanghai is an international and strong city and I just went with it.
It’s a rich city and, although poverty is a reality here as well, I got to realize how safe Shanghai is.
Maybe the only big question in my mind was “what if I don’t like it?”.

Well, guys, at the end it’s only a short amount of time and it’s all experience gained. You might have to stand some behaviors and you have to be understanding of another culture, so it might go against your beliefs and point of views, but traveling is all about adapting and understanding.

Luckily, it’s not my case. Shanghai is amazing and I love the people, the food, everything! It’s a real shame I will have to go back to normal life soon.

I totally recommend visiting Shanghai.

What's your advice to other travelers?

Don’t be afraid to travel. It’s an eye-opening experience and the most interesting people I got to meet were all travelers.

I am from Italy, but I moved to the UK about 6 years ago and I have traveled to Germany a few times and France and places, haha. You get to realize things, seeing the world from different prospectives helps you to understand. I’m glad I went to China, I had no clue what a beautiful place it is and what a culture!

Hopefully, I will be able to explore Japan and South Korea soon too, with all the other countries here in Asia. You’re never too young or too old to visit new places. Mixing an internship experience with traveling was a great idea and not only it looks good on your CV, but it really does improve who you are as a person.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Rachel Hogan

Job Title
Experience Coordinator
As part of the Dublin team, Rachel ensures each intern on the dublin program experience the best Dublin has to offer while interning in the city.
Rachel Hogan


What is your favorite travel memory?

During my time travelling Vietnam in January 2024, I experienced many new cultures and ways of life that I was so intrigued by. I also stepped out of my comfort zone to embrace the backpacking lifestyle, and I am so glad I did!

Spending 4 days driving through the mountainous north was an incredible adventure. The amazing people we met who welcomed us into their homes and the memories I made with the group are some ill never forget! The instant friendships I made to share the stunning views and questionable driving with was a bonus.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Since working for TIG, I have become much more versed in international relations building important relationships with people from around the world. From this I have become a much more open and understanding person, speaking with people from different background and learning how they view success in life.

I understand the importance of being open minded, patient and welcome new challenges and experiences as I have witnessed how such experiences can shape your future.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

As an experiencer coordinator, I am lucky enough to build some fantastic relationships with each intern and I always love hearing this experience has helped them in further jobs or life in general. Hearing that this program has given them the confidence to travel more and step out of their comfort zone is probably one that excites me the most as I understand how scary it can be to make the jump and book that flight! And to have been apart of helping them feel safe and support while interning abroad is certainly an amazing feeling.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

Ooooh tough question! I have to choose the digital nomad program in Madrid. Firstly, I am always chasing the sun and I have always wanted to visit the beautiful city of Madrid. Secondly, being a digital nomad gives me the perfect opportunity to travel while working which is the dream right? I would take full advantage and see as much of Spain and Europe as possible while still gaining amazing experience in my chosen career field!

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

I believe the dedication of our experience coordinators in each destinations makes our company stand out. Each one goes above and beyond to build connection with every intern, constantly reaching out and offer their advice and guidance. The interns feel safe with an incredible support system around them while they experience this adventure abroad.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

I believe the biggest factor would be having the same goal and focus as a large team. This key to creating a successful company. With the same intentions, each team member can ensure they are working to achieve the same goal and therefore always have this as their motivation and continue to grow as a company.

Professional Associations

The Forum on Education Abroad Logo
Institute of International Education Logo
World Youth and Student Travel Conference Logo