NESE - The New England School of English

The New England School of English

Why choose The New England School of English?

The New England School of English was founded by an educator with an intentional philosophy, a philosophy that drives every aspect of NESE, guiding its day-to-day events and creating a special atmosphere throughout the school. Our average class size is 8 students. Small classes ensure lively discussions, frequent student participation, and intensive student-teacher interaction.

SPECIAL OFFER: 30% discount on all NESE bookings! Location: NESE, Harvard Square. Applicable Booking Dates: June 17th, 2020 to June 16th, 2021. Applicable Study Dates: All NESE, Harvard Square sessions in the future - no time limit. Please note that this discount is for tuition only. On-Line classes are excluded. Housing is excluded.

We are very excited to see you all, even from a distance! And of course, for those of you who can't come to NESE, Harvard Square, we are happy to invite you to our classes via NESE On-Line -



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Yes, I recommend this program

My experience at NESE

NESE gave me more than I could have imagined. Before coming to NESE, I couldn't believe that I would be able to speak English to anyone.
Although I am proud of my professional journey, speaking English has always been my dream, I had never studied English in school before. In few months, I feel confident talking to anyone. I have made many friends from around the world, expanded my cultural knowledge, and elevated my consciousness to new levels. I have experienced moments that will remain in my heart for as long as I live.
Gratitude perfectly encapsulates my feelings about NESE.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
First, all of you should go to NESE. It will be a major experience in your lives. Understand that learning English as a second language will depend on how much you dedicate to it. I advise you to participate in all the programs they offer, such as clubs, trips, and events at universities. It will be crucial for your development, and I believe you will succeed.
  • Warm environment, as a family
  • High quality
  • Location
  • I couldn't find.


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