
TtMadrid TEFL Certification Course

Why choose TtMadrid TEFL Certification Course?

TtMadrid is an internationally accredited English Teachers Training Centre located in the heart of Madrid. ​We offer high-quality on-campus and online TEFL courses to both EU and non-EU students, including getting a one-year university visa for those without an EU passport.

During our 120-hour TEFL course and 6 teaching practices with real students we will equip you with the skills to teach business and general English, grammar, and phonetics in a group, one-to-one or telephone class setting. Special focus is also directed to teaching kids and online teaching inputs.

TtMadrid takes care of organizing your accommodation, bank accounts, mobile phone, legal paperwork, plus much more. TtMadrid also organizes all sorts of cultural immersion and social events to make you part of the TtMadrid community. And even more importantly, the program has a 100% successful job placement rate and lifetime Job Support services for all grads!


No, I don't recommend this program

consider other options

TtMadrid is more than just TEFL; and for the TEFL program, they are sufficient at what they do. Ensuring you pass actually helps their numbers.
As far as the company itself, they are what you can expect from an education organization. The cost of their program/s is/are on the higher end of the local market, so I recommend you do your research. You may read all 4 and 5 stars from people finishing the TEFL program because the school has your write the review in your last day/s while you are in class so they can review it with you. Keep in mind, in the last few days of the TEFL program, of course you are pleased with the outcome of the program, because you passed, but in all reality, a TEFL program is a TEFL program, so again, do your research.
Part of the packet is to include your visa and some Spanish lessons, well you have a certain amount of time to do complete your lessons so they consider themselves a school or an academy, but in this case, it is not an academic school; therefore, they are an elective school. You elect to go to this school and you elect which program you want. From this, they feel they must control the rest of the outcome with little input from the consumer.
If you start to work after TEFL, then those Spanish classes become very difficult to attend. Going into the summer time, they have very little to no staff; therefore, even if you are available, they may not be. They shuffle teachers around so much and have you bounce from teacher to teacher. Each teacher teaches differently and is always starting over in the program. TTMadrid feels it is their right to move you to where they feel you belong rather than what you want.
As all of this is going on, you are losing time on your visa which you cannot complete your prepaid Spanish program. This is a way the company gets to keep the money without having to actually provide the credit to you. So, it becomes a lose lose on your behalf while they rake in the money. Then, if you bring this to their attention, sure they will always defend "why" but at the end of the day, it is the consumer that pays the price; in multiple ways and the consumer is the reason they are in business. TTMadrid even mentioned they can give a 3 month extension to our visa to try and finish the program, but actually, you are automatically given the extension to take care of an extension even without the school; so they try and make it feel they are there to help.
So, do your research, because other schools in the area can give you all of this, mean what they advertise, provide you with an actual job, and provide unlimited visa renewals; something TTMadrid cannot live up to.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Completely worth it!

This course was great. I loved that we got so much practical experience, as we were able to teach 6 lessons, to different group sizes, levels, and age groups. This means we leave with some experience, for new teachers like myself. They had great online resources and we studied everything from grammar to phonology. Andrea, Brittany, and Helen were fantastic, supportive and kind. It's a lot of hard work, there are a lot of assignments and deadlines, but you leave completely prepared to teach. I would 100% recommend the course!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Probably the first lesson I had to teach! I felt extremely nervous but Andrea was so supportive. I prepared really well, and I was able to do the class.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Setting you up for success

This program really sets you up to be a competent and knowledgeable English teacher. The classes are filled day to day with lessons such as grammar and phonetics but also with practical information about what it is like to specifically teach in Madrid and in Spain. With intense training and teaching practices, there is constant support from the trainers as well as important feedback. I was hired within my first week of finishing the program thanks to TTMadrid sending out my CV to multiple contacts.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Opening up a bank account with only an A2 level of Spanish. Spoiler alert: after one hour of miming and basic communication...SUCCESS!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great course!

I had a great experience doing the TEFL Course at TTMadrid. It was hard work but I totally recommend it. The trainers were always available and a great support during those 4 weeks. Classes were fun, teaching practices were very helpful to build confidence as a teacher and gain experience.
This course will take over your life for a month, so make sure you are prepared to focus on your studies for those 4 weeks.
If you are well organized since day one, you won't have any problems in getting your certificate.

What would you improve about this program?
I wouldn't mind the course being 1 or 2 weeks longer. The schedule was quite tight and there wasn't much time to do anything else but study, prepare classes and assignments.
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Yes, I recommend this program

I am so grateful

The TEFL course was very fun and dynamic .TTMadrid has friendly environment, qualified trainers and professional support . Although the course was very intensive, with the help of Andrea and Brittany, I was able to fulfil every task on time . In addition, I have learnt so much skills what will always help me in my professional life. However they don't only train you how to teach but also they are always here to help you and guide you how to get a job etc. I am so happy that i have done my TEFL course with ttMadrid.


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Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Alison Wong

Alison Wong is a certified TEFL teacher from Malaysia. She spent more than five years working in the field of retailing and marketing. Finally, she decided it was time for a change of scenery and went to pursue her studies in New Zealand. She graduated at the Auckland University of Technology and worked briefly as a teaching assistant (where she found her passion for teaching). After some carefully considerations, she made up her mind to get her TEFL with TtMadrid in Spain (best decision she ever made!). She now teaches in Turkey.

Why did you decide to get TEFL certified with TtMadrid in Spain?

The idea of getting a TEFL certificate started after having briefly worked as a teaching assistant. I realized that I enjoy teaching very, very much and wanted to go into teaching. So I did some searching here and there to get some ideas about TEFL courses.

One day, I stumbled across few reviews written by previous students who did their TEFL course with TtMadrid in Spain. I have always wanted to visit Spain, so I thought why not give it a try. I had gone through most of the details on the official website but I was still undecided. So I contacted the advisor named Helen at the chat box available on the right corner of the page. She was knowledgeable about the course and happily answered my questions.

After given some thoughts to it, I was keen to sign up for the course. A brief Skype interview was conducted, I was reassured that the TEFL course is accredited and taught in a high quality standard. Their services were praiseworthy and I was positive that I made the right choice. Despite the fact that I was only allowed to visit Spain on a tourist visa. Yet, TtMadrid was more than happy to welcome me into the course. That is why, I was happy to go with TtMadrid to get my TEFL in Spain.

What stood out to you most about your TEFL course with TtMadrid?

There were a lot of things that exceeded my expectations. So this is rather difficult for me to pick one. But if I had to choose one, I would have to say hands down to the energetic and supportive teaching team at TtMadrid!

The teachers spontaneously delivered the class from start till end with such great energy. I was moved and inspired by their teaching styles. The team not only helped me to overcome my struggles with grammars and phonetics. But also, given me lots of encouragement that made me more determined to complete the course with flying colours.

After they observed my teaching sessions, the teaching feedback given by them were super useful. They pointed the areas of my strengths and weaknesses, also some tips for better improvement. This motivated me to put in extra efforts to improve and improvise on my lesson plan for the next teaching session.

More importantly, I stayed positive and learned from my mistakes as well. These experiences have been most helpful for my teaching practices. At the end of the day, I mustered up the courage to come out of my shell. Again, many, many thanks to the awesome team at TtMadrid!

How has this experience impacted your future? (Personally, professionally, academically, etc.)

After having completed the course, I find myself overwhelmed by many, many positive impacts. The course has given me the gentle push in obtaining the knowledge and skills that I need. The training has equipped me to handle a teaching job. In the process of it, I have gained some new insights and understand more about a teacher's role in the competitive job market.

My previous experience as a teaching assistant did help a little, where I managed to keep calm when teaching a new class. But I soon realized that the actual effort required was in fact, ten times more than what I had imagined. From preparing lesson plans to classroom management to creating a student focused classes. A teaching career that I considered demanding yet achievable. I was glad that I was able to experience many challenges in order to brush up my skills during my teaching practices.

The most noticeable change was that I came out from my shell. Before this, I was pretty shy. The day where I carried out the class with such positive and high energy was absolutely remarkable. It surprised my teachers as much as it surprised me.

The teachers and students at TtMadrid have both shed some light in my teaching approach. I am thankful to have learned so much from them as they had learned from me. This experience has definitely left a strong and positive impression on me that helped me to become more open to challenges and self-motivated.

What is one piece of advice you would offer someone considering a TEFL course in Spain?

My simple advice for you is to find out as much information as you can about the course beforehand. Take some time to think through the simple questions, whether this course is suitable for you, why you are interested in teaching and if you ready to live in a foreign country.

It sounds simple enough but I highly recommend that you put this into consideration before you get ahead of yourself, whether you are here for a short visit or long-term stay in Spain. After you have finally made up your mind, I would say get ready for an adventure of a lifetime!

The day I realized I have a passion for teaching, I knew I want to go into teaching. At the same time, I wanted something different for a change in my life. I always wanted to visit Spain and I knew it was time to make a move. I took some time to think this through. After some careful consideration, I decided to get my TEFL in Spain and had no doubts about it. The course proved to be intensive and challenging for most people, including myself. As long as you stay focused and determined, you will definitely cross the finish line.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Alina Radulescu

Job Title
Assistant Director of Studies
Alina studied English, Spanish and Arabic at Uni, with a Master’s Degree in Intercultural Studies. She has worked as an English teacher for years and has managed academies here in Spain.
Alina Radulescu

What is your favorite travel memory?

My favourite travel memory is from when I visited Japan. It's an incredible country that has so much to offer, from futuristic skyscrapers to quiet bamboo forests, amazing food culture and very respectful people.

Two places stood out the most for me during our two weeks stay there. The first one is the Kinkakuji Temple, literally ‘’Temple of the Golden Pavilion’’, a Zen Buddist temple in Kyoto. Part of the World Heritage Site, the temple, dating from the Muromachi period, is located in a Japanese Zen garden. It is covered in gold leaf and it is surrounded by water so the temple is mirrored in the pond and gives the impression that it floats on the water.

Another amazing place is Todaiji temple, located in Nara. Todaiji's main hall is the largest wooden construction in the world and it hosts one of Japan's largest bronze statue of Buddha, but the interesting thing there is a pillar with a hole at its base, that is the same size as the bronze Buddha’s nostril. It is said that whoever can squeeze through, it will be granted luck and joy in their next life. I'm happy to say that we were lucky enough to fit!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Working with and training people from so many different cultures and backgrounds has made me more patient and flexible. It's fascinating to take a step back and see situations from another point of view. Working in such an international environment allows me to do that and grow as a person with each and every new course.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

We welcome both native and non-natives trainees onto our course and my favorite story from a student was from a non-native who was passionate about teaching children and loved travelling. She was an amazing teacher and her hard work paid off when she was offered a position at an international academy running camps around the UK. She absolutely loves it and I'm really proud to see that she's using all the tools, techniques and skills she learned during the course.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

All of the trainers at TtMadrid have done the TEFL course - it's really important for us to understand what our trainees are going through every step of the way.

I loved the TEFL course and it really help boost my confidence and learn what it was to not just speak English but to teach it. Being a non-native English speaker, completing the course also helped me believe in myself and gave me the gold 'TtMadrid stamp of approval' with employers in Spain.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

TtMadrid has been in the ESL training sector for over 10 years and what makes the company special is the love and passion we have for teaching and helping students to make the transition into living and working in Spain.

I couldn’t say that there was a specific moment when I felt proud of my team. It happens at the end of each course, when we read our students’ feedback, have a look at the final grading sheet and look at this new group of English teachers that are stepping out into the world of ESL teaching, having been through the TtMadrid experience. It's a great feeling to know you're a part of something so special.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

I believe that we have been leading the TEFL training market in Spain for all these years because we really do go that extra mile. Giving those extra five minutes of explanation, walking the long way home to show a student the nearest metro stop, or just grabbing a coffee with someone that is having a bad day; every moment matters and it really makes a difference.