  • India
    • Mumbai
    • Hyderabad
    • Delhi

Program Details

Apartment Hostel


Starting Price
Price Details
Package A: $3000

Round trip Airfare*
3 meals per day + snacks**
Transportation within India****

Package B: $2000

Excludes airfare, students must arrange their own flight arrangements
3 meals per day + snacks**
Transportation within India****

*Airfare: Once our applicants have been accepted and register for our summer program, their flights will be booked through an Uplift Humanity travel service. All flights will leave from the New York greater region. Package B does not include airfare, so this arrangement is often preferred by volunteers who wish to stay in India after the program has finished, or by those volunteers who wish to travel in first or business class

**3 meals per day + snacks: Students will either be consuming their meals in the metropolitan restaurants designed for travelers and vacationers, or will be fed by the onsite chefs. The food and water provided will be ensured to be safe for foreigners. The price of food has already been incorporated into the fee for participation in our program.

***Housing accommodations: Uplift Humanity will provide housing facilities, which include apartment style rooming. Each student will be rooming with other Uplift Humanity volunteers. The apartments that we have rented are guarded by security and are extremely sanitary.

****Transportation within India: Uplift Humanity will provide vehicles for our student volunteers’ transportation within India. Our onsite curriculum advisors will ensure that the students are picked up every afternoon and are transported safely back into their apartment every evening.
Mar 29, 2018
Jan 29, 2018
3 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Our mission is to empower juveniles in India to break the cycle of recidivism and achieve their full potential through education. The benefits of UHI's impact have an incredible ripple effect. In India, we touch children who are in tough situations and have little begin with. Volunteers full their life with education, love, and everlasting memories. For our volunteers, they have a unique opportunity to be an important stop along the journey for these children, learn about recidivism and bring that home to further spread awareness.

Our summer rehabilitation program remains the core of efforts; each year we take students from the United States over to one of our four rehabilitation facilities in India. Our volunteers teach orphans and juveniles life skills such as moral decision-making, self-esteem development, self–maintenance, daily etiquette, and public speaking. Spend 16 days in one of four locations: Gujarat, New Delhi, Mumbai, or Hyderabad. Join our journey and leave your mark.

Consider your impact: Volunteering abroad can be a rewarding experience for both volunteers and local communities, and at Go Overseas, we believe all volunteers should have the resources to make informed decisions about the type of volunteer project they want to partake in. However, despite best intentions, some organizations offering placements in orphanages may unknowingly place children in danger. You can read about the potential dangers of orphanage volunteering here.

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Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
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  • Impact 4.95
  • Support 5
  • Fun 4.95
  • Value 5
  • Safety 5
Showing 1 - 8 of 16 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Uplift Humanity 2016

This trip was the best 2 weeks of my life, and I am even continuing this year. Yes it is about $2-3k but every dollar is worth it. You even have the chance to get $2K back in scholarship form with the video contest and the application is easy and everyone has an equal chance! It opened up my eyes about the world. It is also so safe that for the people that don't like traveling to India, it is perfect for you. I wish I could go every year. Please go and change the a life.

75 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing and Unforgettable!

The summer of 2016, I was given the opportunity to make a difference in a child's life. I did not even think twice and I accepted the opportunity I was given by Uplift Humanity. Uplift Humanity was by far the greatest experience I have ever had in my life. Everyone was treating us so well. When we were on our way to our hotel, I had assumed that it would be dirty and unsanitary. Guess what? I was completely wrong. The hotel was actually very clean. The rooms were nice and the bathroom was nice. As we all started to settle in, it was so fun being with the other kids, even the advisors! The joked around with us, they were open with us, and they were just so polite and kind. I felt as if I was home to be honest. All the other volunteers were so friendly and it was just a blast. Some of the days, we went out and had dinner together, we watched the movie SuItan together, and we even went bowling!

I made so many new friends in and out the facility. The kids at the Ashram were the nicest kids you would ever meet. They were so eager to see us and play with us. Many of the kids opened up to me immediately to me, but some did not. One of my kids who was named Bhavesh was one of the juveniles that did not talk at all the first week. He kept getting distracted and just looked so confused. When I tried to ask him something he just shrugs his shoulders or nodded his head. Eventually, I started understanding what he was into which was that he loved to draw. While teaching him the curriculum, I gave him a few breaks to let him draw whatever he wants. I learned that I had to be playful with him and just make him laugh. One of the days, Mona, the head director of Gujurat for UHI, read us the story, “Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon." Molly was funny looking with buck teeth. Bhavesh suddenly laughed because of Molly had buck teeth, so from then on whenever I saw him, I bit down on my lower lip to try to look like Molly. It brought a smile to Bhavesh’s face every single time. By the time we had to give the kids an exam, he was so open and started being so blunt about everything. Everything that came to his mind he just started spitting it out. I felt like tearing up because it is just such an unbelievable change. One day, he does not talk and the next day he is the most talkative kid. At that point, It hit me straight in the chest how a normal high school kid like me can change another kids life just like that. My story is one of many, if you attend this program you will never ever forget the experience you had. It is truly amazing.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Uplift Humanity: One Child at a Time

My experience with Uplift Humanity truly shaped me into who I am today. In a matter of two and a half weeks, I learned new things about myself and about the world in which we all live in. Everyone knows that third-world countries, such as India, do not have the same amenities or necessities that the rest of us do. However, it is impossible to truly understand what that means until you immerse yourself into a community where food and water are limited and education is inadequate. By educating the orphans in Nadiad, Gujarat, we were able to instill values in them that they will hopefully remember for the rest of their lives. We taught simple yet important lessons dealing with anger management, peer pressure, expressing emotions, sharing, etc. that any of us in the United States would consider to be common sense, but for children living in poverty-stricken areas, these unfamiliar concepts are of the utmost importance.
On a personal note, I returned from this trip with memories that I will remember for a lifetime and best friends that I can count on. I was not expecting to connect with the other volunteers, but we all found a way to relate to one another and became a family within the first couple of days. I was reminded of who I am and what it means to be an Indian. Along with that, the children there taught me to be appreciative and grateful for anything and everything that I have because there are others in the world who yearn to have the same luxuries that we have in the United States. The orphans and juveniles taught me to be sincere and genuine, which made me rethink my priorities and what I value the most. Over all, I returned from India with a better understanding of myself and of the world around me. I definitely recommend volunteering in India with Uplift Humanity because it appeals to anyone looking for an opportunity to reconnect with their roots while contributing to a great cause.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Thank you Uplift!

I have no words to describe how thankful and fortunate I am to have been given the opportunity to travel to India with Uplift Humanity. I am indebted to this program. Not only has it changed my perspective on life, but I have truly observed a change in myself. I went on this trip a quiet, timid girl whose life revolved around school and sports so that I could get into a good college. I left it with so much more: with some of the best friends in this entire universe, gratitude, and determination to find whatever my passion is so that I can help others with it. The children I met made me realize how we often miss the fact that the lives of poverty and posh can be silent neighbors, and that we need to stop being so self-involved. These kids were absolutely amazing and it broke my heart that I could not do more to help them. They have nothing, literally nothing, and they could not be happier. I am not sure if we succeeded in educating the children as efficiently as we could have, but we were able to put a smile on their face, and that was more than enough for me. Taking a break from the bustling lifestyle and stress back home (in the US) and immersing myself in this culture that I forgot how much I loved really helped me reconnect with myself. The food, the staff, the living, the places of the Nadiad that we got to experience made this trip even more enjoyable. The other volunteers and I bonded into one family, who I hope to be in touch with for the rest of my life. Learning the stories of the orphans and juvenile inmates, their hopes, their worries makes you reconsider you priorities - it makes to hone in on what is really important. And, the only thing bigger than their smiles are their hearts. I am so glad I made the decision to attend this program, because I am some of the most hard work, driven, and kind people! I went their to make a difference in their lives, but I left with them having made a bigger one in mine.

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Yes, I recommend this program

The Experience of a Lifetime

Uplift Humanity has completely changed my life in so many ways. When I joined Uplift, I was not so knowledgable about the hardship that children in India go through. There are so many uneducated orphans in Gujarat alone, and we were able to make a difference and actually help them. It was amazing to see how these children can remain strong and kind, even when they life such hard lives. The best part was that we were able to see the difference we were making. We made these kids smile, laugh, and brought a little more happiness into their lives. I made a tangible bond with some of the kids that will never be broken or forgotten.

I am forever grateful to the Uplift Humanity India organization for allowing me the opportunity to go to India. I was able to learn more about my language and culture when I went to the Gujarat location to teach these kids. I made lifelong friendships with the other volunteers, who were Indian teenagers like me. Leaving these kids on the last day was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. However, watching smiles light up faces after each lesson made it all worth the tears. I came back to America with the knowledge that I actually did make a difference in a child's life, and I would heavily recommend volunteering in India or donating to the organization.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Uplift Humanity 2016

I joined Uplift Humanity last summer not knowing anything about it. All I knew was that I would be visiting India after so many years. However, little did I know that this experience would completely change my life. I made some unforgettable memories and lifelong friends that I will never forget. I volunteered at Mumbai at an orphanage where I met 20 amazing girls. I saw the kids and how little they have and it made me realize how fortunate I am. I am really glad that I got to volunteer my time to these kids because they deserve a lot more than what they have now. Uplift Humanity has provided me with a kind of passion that I have never felt before. I want to dedicate my time to help these children prosper in life. Uplift Humanity is an amazing program that gives children the hope that they need to be successful in life. I would definitely recommend this program because it let's you immerse yourself into the Indian culture while experienced something life changing. Uplift Humanity is truly an amazing experience and I would not trade it for the world.

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Once in a Lifetime Experience

Participating in Uplift Humanity India was the best decision I have made in my life by far. Going into this experience, I had no idea what to expect. As part of the Hyderabad leg of the program, my group was the only one working with children in juvenile detention centers. I was already nervous and scared about opening up to and teaching kids I had never met before, and my preconceived notions about juveniles only added to that. I walked into the center on the first day expecting the kids to laugh at me for my broken Telugu, act disrespectful, and not be receptive to what we were teaching them. However, they were the exact opposite of this. I was shocked. These kids are some of the most driven, hardworking, and tremendously talented people I have ever met. Their poise and grace never failed to amaze me, and I only ever saw smiles on their faces, despite the conditions they were living in. These kids are nothing like the media portrays juveniles: uncontrolled, impolite, and reckless. Rather, their lifestyles forced them into these situations as a way to survive, and they are amazing people. I will never forget the feeling of going to the facility every day and being bombarded with love, warmth, and even hand crafted personalized drawings. I truly feel like our work there made an impact on their lives, and if I had the chance, I would go back in a heartbeat. While I was the one there to teach them, they taught me so much more than I could have imagined. They taught me what it is like to work hard and how to have a positive outlook on life. This is a once in a lifetime experience, and I would highly recommend Uplift Humanity to anyone who is looking for a volunteering abroad program.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Uplift Humanity 2016

Working this summer in India with Uplift Humanity was one of the best decisions of my life. I came in not knowing anything about the summer program except for some online research I had done before, however, Uplift Humanity exceeded my expectations. Working with the children was amazing and I have learned many valuable lessons from doing so, making unforgettable connections with each child. The program also gives you the opportunity to speak Hindi, although it was not required for the Mumbai location. My Mumbai team was awesome and we all got along really well with each other. The apartment complex that we stayed at was comfortable and very conveniently located. The cook was excellent and made some of the best food Iv'e ever eaten. As for safety, our counselors took precautions, making sure we were safe throughout the whole trip. The program is a great way to explore India as well since we were given the opportunity to see some famous landmarks in Mumbai and eat at local, approved restaurants. Overall, I would recommend this program if you are interested in immersing yourself in the Indian culture while helping the orphans/ juveniles of India understand their true potential.

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