A Growing Experience. An Unforgettable Experience.

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

My name is Savion, and I am a Musical Theatre Major at the Conservatory at Chicago College of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University. For the summer of 2010, I wasn't really sure of what to do. So I started to look around and I saw an announcement for AIFS's Shakespeare Globe Study Abroad. I was immediately hooked. After convincing my mother that this would be important to my career, which I have come to realize that it really has been, I immediately started the process of registration. From the very beginning, the staff were extremely friendly and supportive and helped me with every step of the way.
The big day came where I was setting out to fly to London. I was filled with both nervousness and excitement at the same time because I had never been abroad before. As soon as I got to my gate, I found two students that were going on the same trip, however they were going for different programs within AIFS. We began chatting and we immediately started to form a great relationship. Funny enough, at the same time my nervousness started to settle as well. The flight to London, which may seem very long, was extremely short with the company of my new found friends and of course a nap here and there. On our arrival to London we were greeted by an AIFS staff member who took us to the carousels to pick up our luggage.
After everybody had received their luggage, I was still left with no luggage. All of my cloths and my toiletries were inside those bags that never showed up at the carousel. After about an hour of waiting for my bag to show up I started to really worry. My new friends immediately came to my side and took me to go the front desk to inquire about my bag. The worker at the desk told me that my bag was not put on the plane and that I should receive it within the next 48 hrs. At this bad news, I became sort of depressed and I felt like my whole trip was ruined. This was, however, a quickly fleeting feeling, because the very next day, after telling them what happened to me, they went with me into the shopping area and I was able to purchase my essentials until my bags turned up. Oh what a glorious day that was when I saw my bags again! From the start, I felt so much love and support from my classmates and the staff.
The very first day of classes were a blast, as we traveled on the Tube (I still have my Oyster Card!) towards the great Shakespeare Globe. Once we got there we were all formally introduced to the teachers and to each other and we "got the ball rolling". We learned so much stuff and we even got hands on experience with props and instruments they used in their Globe productions.
I could talk about my study abroad experience for hours on hours. Back then I was just finishing my Freshman year of college and now I am only weeks away from being a Senior, and I can still vividly remember my experiences with a big smile on my face. It was the best career decision I have ever made to attend AIFS's Shakespeare Globe Program and I have no regrets. I made so many new friends that I am still in communication with today and gained so much experience and knowledge that I will treasure for a life time. My great experience, both culturally and educational wise is one that I cannot easily forget.
As I stepped off that plane onto American soil, I realized that through my experiences abroad I had grown as a person and as a professional. I felt like a new person, filled with so many new goals and dreams. It felt good to be able to remind myself why I love my career in theatre, and AIFS did this for me.Thank you for making my first study abroad program a great one AIFS. Thank you.
If you are unsure of your plans for the summer and are considering this program, take the leap. You won't regret it.
Peace & Love, Savion.

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