What an adventure!

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

Wow this has been quite an experience! I have to say Salamanca is one of the most gorgeous cities I have ever visited. I honestly loved everything in there - my host family, my roommate which became a very close friend of mine, the school, the fact that I improved my Spanish skills so much, the teachers, all of the people in the program, the city, the food - in one word everything. I have already been studying Spanish for 3 years but I have never had the confidence nor the chance to speak and practice it outside of my classes which was one of the main reasons why I joined this program. I truly gained more confidence in that department and when I visited Madrid right after my stay in Salamanca I had no problem with speaking with the locals which made me so happy. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and my stay there was very short. I would have loved to stay for at least 4 weeks, but since it was my first time traveling alone and joining a language camp in a foreign country I thought that 2 weeks would be an appropriate amount of time to stay there. I would definitely recommend this journey to everyone, especially if you are in high school and I am considering on returning next year.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed