
Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

It was a wonderful journey here. We had five classes a week, each for three hours. There was enough time for digesting what had been taught in the class. Also, I explored London on the three weekends and joined some social programmes to make new friends.

My programme was Entrepreneurship. We learned how to evaluate a business opportunity and how to create a feasible one. All those knowledge were put into practice. By finishing an independent essay and groupwork, I exercised those knowledge and learned it by my heart. I may apply those knowledge in later daily life.

The London adventure was amazing as well. I visited several famous spots, such as Big Ben, River Thames, etc. Scenery there was beautiful. London combines contemporary fashion style with old European architecture style. You could sit on the bench under big leafy trees, seeing the long River Thames waving fiercely. You could witness the magnificent building of White House. You could have a walk in the Hyde Park, watching geese and ducks playing beside the lake together. Also, the location of our classroom was at a business street, where there were lots of modern caffee houses and restaurants. You can feel the prosperity of London there.

Diversity of this programme was unbelieveable. There were 52 nationalities in the two sessions of UCL summer school. Here I made some new friends with different backgrouds. We exchanged our culture and tradition. Also, I encoutered students from different universities in my home country. We keep in touch with each other after we came back home. Those friends expand my world.

All in all, I will never forget this London jounery as well as the learning experience here. I had a crush on it the first day I came here. It is definitely worth trying, otherwise you may regret!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed