I don't recommend this program or Spain in general

Benefits: 4
Support: 2
Fun: 1
Facilities: 1
Safety: 3

From the very beginning this experience was a challenge that never proved to be worth it for me. I'm not really sure what the benefit of going through ConversaSpain is either.

I tried to be very patient with everybody due to the COVID situation changing conditions and making everything difficult but I truly don't believe much would have changed about my experience were there no pandemic.

There is SO MUCH paperwork and bureaucracy to get through when you move to Spain. The most frustrating of which was that the visa that you get doesn't actually cover the amount of time you need to stay so there are 2 more steps to the process to allow you to stay to the end of your contract. On top of that, nothing ever gets done and it's nearly impossible to get an appointment.

As for the job itself, you will end up putting in a lot more effort than is advertised. You will do a lot of lesson planning and many of my friends had to actually teach classes despite us being told that was not our job. One of my friends was even tasked with writing the exams for her classes.

If you don't speak any Spanish it will be extra challenging, especially when trying to organize your bank account.

The most frustrating thing about all of this was having to complete a course and a final project under the guise of sharing information with all the other Language Assistants. That's a load of garbage. No one will ever see those lesson plans again, it isn't even clear how to search for them. We all just shared all that sort of information with each other through Whatsapp groups. However, they force everyone to complete the course from which you learn nothing and waste a lot of time.

Literally the only positive experiences I had during my time were the few good friends I made, and the fact that the sun shines almost everyday, even though it's still very cold.

I don't recommend living in Spain!

Would you recommend this program?
No, I would not
Year Completed