Yangshuo - Not easy to forget..

Instruction: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 4
Value: 5

It has been said that 'the best fruit is to be found fresh from the tree', and where better to learn to communicate in Chinese than in China itself? And there are few more conducive places to learn, and live, in China than in Yangshuo. The rest of the world is easily forgotten when nestled within its misty peaks. But you will never forget Yangshuo.

Rank beginner or competent speaker, no matter your level, Omeida will chart a course that suits your particular needs
Omeida is a professional organisation with competent teachers and great support staff. A language partner program offers mutual benefit to learners of Chinese, and English. They organise weekly activities with lots of variety so there's something for everyone. It's entirely up to you as to your level of involvement. There's no pressure. As anywhere else things can get busy here. But there is an unhurried and harmonious quality to Yangshuo that's difficult to define, a quality compatible with living a good life.

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