ITA- School of INTEGRITY and High Standards of Serving

Content: 5
Engagement: 5
Support: 5
Platform: 5
Value: 5

I took my TEFL course several years ago, but right after the course, my life shifted so I never went into teaching then. Now I’m ready to start, but wondered if I should retake the whole course again? I then called "Ambrosia" of Admissions and shared my thoughts with her. She was great! She was both patient and knowledgeable and keenly in tune to what I TRULY NEEDED- versus what I thought I needed! Instead of signing me up to retake the entire course, she guided me to the “Teaching English Online” specialty course. She told me I could just start here and see...that this could very well be all I need. As I also want to teach online, it would support me in that, but it would also boost my confidence and serve partially a refresher course. This saved me $1400! To me this speaks highly of the integrity, of ITA. They aren’t just there to “rake in your money.” They truly care about YOU, as their student and really are there to serve YOU and guide YOU in the best direction for YOUR career path.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed