Once in a lifetime experience

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

World Campus was definitely a once in a lifetime experience that I don't regret. I was a bit nervous coming on the program, although one of the staff members was my fellow university student, but as a more introverted person the full time socialising aspect made me skeptical. But turned out it was not a problem and it really surprised me how much I got from the program even as a more reserved person! All the staff members were kind and helpful and the other participants were all very fun and happy to meet me too. I felt like I could always be myself there.

But the host families were the ones who surprised me the most - I had a great time getting to meet all of them and they were super welcoming and excited to learn about my culture while sharing me their culture at the same time! I'm still in contact with my host families and I hope I can meet them again in the future. I think the host families are definitely the best part about this program as you get to learn things about Japanese culture straight from local people. If you want to practise your Japanese, this is also a great place for that as they have great every-day slang words and phrases they can teach you! Although some host family members didn't speak English (and my Japanese is unfortunaly not very good) we still found a way to communicate by showing each other pictures or just spending time together and eating delicious food.

I think this program is also a good way to get a bit of a study-abroad experience. I have also spent a semester abroad but already these few weeks with World Campus gave me as much if not more as my previous experiences. I think staying with host families was what made the short experience feel so meaningful - I truly could immerse myself in the culture in a way, that I had not experienced before while travelling or studying in another country.

I would definitely go back to World Campus again and I can recommend it to anyone wanting to get new experiences and travel in a less touristy-way. As long as you go there with an open mind and are willing to say yes to things outside of your comfort zone, you are good! :)

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed