XporeAsia - TESOL - Thailand

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 4
Academic Rigor: 5
Job Assistance: 5

During my time in Hua Hin taking my TESOL course with XploreAsia, there was a lot to process and keep up with. I was learning new things, acclimating to a new climate, adjusting to a new culture and language, and all the little things that you don't realize you'll have to go through when arriving.

But here's what you should know if you are considering this program: they are serious about helping you bloom here and helping you become an amazing teacher. They care for you and offer you help for every step. And when you're in an emergency or just have a question, there are multiple people in the program who you can contact. They are always happy to help in any way they can so that you have a better experience. But, this program is going to stretch you and help you build new skill sets. You're going to have to do things you really don't want to do. You're going to be put in situations where you don't know where you're going or how to get there. You're going to have to confront your what-ifs and anxieties. You will face culture shock and homesickness.

You're also going to discover what an amazing person you are and how much you can grow. You're going to try new things and find out things about yourself you'd never know. You'll become friends with people who are completely different from you, and you'll find yourself closer to them you'd ever guess. You're gonna go to them when all you want to do is go home, and they'll commiserate, buy you food and then dunk you in the ocean. You'll laugh and tell yourself you can do this. And when you meet your students you'll remember why you decided to go on this crazy adventure. You're gonna think there's no way you can do something, and then do it and find you're really good at it. Or maybe really bad, but you liked it so much you want to do it again and again until you're better at it. You'll also find doing something by yourself isn't so bad, and reaching out for help isn't as scary as you thought. You'll find trying to learn the language is frustrating, even if you've already learned one or two - and then you'll have a Thai try to teach you and it ends with both of you laughing at your horrible pronunciation. And then you'll try again.

This program is equipping you to learn how to fall. Which sounds weird. But here's the thing. You're going to fall. It's inevitable. Gravity and new experiences are unforgiving like that. So, yes. You will probably hit the ground. Maybe eat some dirt on the way down and have some scraped knees and palms. But with this program, you'll know how to fall so it's not so bad, not quite as scary, and you know exactly how you're going to get back up. And you'll know how to do it regardless how many or how few times it happens. If you don't know how to fall and you don't know how to rise, trying something new becomes a lot harder.

It's going to be uncomfortable. It's also going to be a hundred percent worth it.

So if you are considering this program, give it a go. You might just discover how much of a brave and amazing person you really are.

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