Academics: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

Studying abroad in Madrid was hands down one of the most enriching, eye-opening experiences of my life. I learned so much about Spanish culture, world issues, myself, and what I am capable of. I forged amazing friendships with people from around the globe that I still cherish years later. I became more independent, confident, and adaptable through being pushed outside my comfort zone.

I have memories from my semester abroad that will stay with me forever: getting lost wandering the winding streets of Toledo and stumbling upon a small tapas bar, cheering with locals at a heated Real Madrid soccer match, feeling awe stand at the top of the Alhambra in Granada, gaining new perspective on classic works of art after seeing them in person.

Both the structured learning activities organized by my program and simply living day to day life in another country taught me so much. Improving my Spanish language skills exponentially while taking engaging courses on history, literature, business, and culture was also an invaluable academic experience. I loved traveling all around Spain and Portugal during breaks from schoolwork too.

The combination of immersive cultural excursions, hands-on academic learning, and forging global friendships made my study abroad experience absolutely life changing. It challenged me, enlightened me, shaped my worldviews, and created memories I'll cherish forever. I gained perspective on global issues, practical skills for career success, and lifelong friends from around the world. Without a doubt, those few months living abroad in Madrid profoundly impacted who I am and my path in life. I would highly recommend studying abroad to anyone!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed