My Amazing Au Pair Experience in China

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

My name is Anna and I'm a 23-year-old psychology student from Sweden. I have always been fascinated by China and its culture, and I wanted to learn Mandarin and travel there. That's why I decided to become an au pair in China for 6 months, and I'm so glad I did. It was the best decision of my life!

I found my host family through Yohoo that matches au pairs and host families in China. They were very helpful and professional, and they arranged everything for me, from visa to flight to orientation. They also provided me with a lot of information and support throughout my stay.

My host family was amazing. They were Li, Chen, Xiao, and Mei, and they lived in Beijing, the capital of China. Li was a doctor, Chen was an engineer, Xiao was a 7-year-old boy, and Mei was a 5-year-old girl. They were very kind, generous, and fun, and they made me feel at home right away. They showed me around their beautiful apartment, gave me a cozy room, and a welcome card. They also introduced me to their relatives, friends, and neighbors, who were very nice and curious about me.

My au pair duties were not too hard or too easy. I worked for about 30 hours per week, and I helped the family with English tutoring, basic childcare, and language learning. I woke up early and helped Li and Chen with the morning routine, such as getting the kids ready for school. I then accompanied Xiao and Mei to their school, where I met their teachers and classmates. They were very smart and cute, and they always made me laugh and smile. They were also very eager to learn and speak German and English with me, and they taught me some Mandarin words every day. They were like my little brother and sister, and I loved them so much.

In the afternoon, I picked up the kids from school and took them to different activities, such as piano lessons, soccer practice, or art classes. I also played with them, taught them some songs and games from Sweden, and learned some songs and games from China. We had a lot of fun together and became closer every day.

In the evening, I helped the kids with their homework, such as reading, writing, and math. They were very diligent and curious, and they always asked me questions and showed me their work. I praised them for their efforts and encouraged them to keep up the good work.

After dinner, we had some family time, such as watching a movie, playing a board game, or reading a book. We also shared our thoughts and feelings about our day, our dreams and fears, our likes and dislikes. We listened to each other and supported each other. We became more than just a host family and an au pair, we became friends.

My language and cultural learning was incredible. I improved my Mandarin a lot, thanks to the language course that agency arranged, the daily conversations with the family and the kids, and the interactions with other au pairs and locals. I also made many friends from different countries and backgrounds, who shared their experiences and stories with me. We went out together, explored the city and the country, and had a blast.

I also experienced the Chinese culture in many ways, thanks to the family and the friends who showed me their traditions, customs, and values. I adapted to the differences, respected the rules, and appreciated the diversity. I celebrated the festivals and events, such as the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, and the Dragon Boat Festival. I enjoyed the food and the music, such as the hot pot, the dumplings, and the pop songs. I learned a lot from them and I also shared a lot of my culture with them.

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