Greatest Study Abroad Experience

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 3
Safety: 3

This was my first time traveling internationally. I've always wanted to study abroad in Korea and go to a Korean school to challenge myself in their studious ways. I took a Korean Language Beginner's course which was challenging at first, but now that I see Korean words I catch myself being able to read it which is very exciting for me. I think one thing I found challenging was mainly housing. Where I lived during my study abroad for Winterim they had construction going on which limited spots for students and many had to rent out airbnb's. I think that if they were to provide enough housing it would make my experience even better, but overall I had the best time in Korea. Right under my dorm has a 24/7 convenient store which was really beneficial to me because they had laundry detergent, toiletries, and many foods/snacks to choose from! Yonsei is also near surrounding cities that are very popular such as Hongdae and Myeongdong which made it easy to get to and have fun!

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Year Completed