Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Embarking on a study abroad journey is a challenge in itself, but participating in an internship abroad adds another layer of complexity. When I decided to join CEA CAPA's Study+Internship program in Seville, Spain, I was prepared to step out of my comfort zone and embrace an entirely new experience; however, no amount of preparation could fully brace me for my first day at work. Surrounded by people speaking a different language, understanding different cultural norms, and operating under a different work system, I felt extremely out of place.
During the first couple of weeks, doubts clouded my mind, questioning if this program was really the right fit for me. Assigned to assist teachers across six classes with students ranging from 4 to 16 years old, each with varying English proficiency levels, I found myself unsure about how to connect with them. Teaching English was uncharted territory for me, and while I desired to forge connections with the students, I lacked the know-how to do so. Gradually, I mustered the courage to step out of my shell and engage more actively with both teachers and students. I learned to celebrate small victories, setting daily goals to connect with specific students. With time, my confidence grew, and I leaned on my teacher mentors for guidance and constructive feedback. Some teachers even provided opportunities for me to push my boundaries by designing and leading educational games for the students. Though far from flawless, the practice of designing and leading lessons, assessing the effectiveness of each one proved extremely valuable.
While not every moment was filled with joy, the dedication invested in engaging and improving within the internship role will provide extreme benefits in the long run. I felt like I jumped off the deep end with this experience, but the unwavering support and encouragement from both teachers and the CEA CAPA staff enabled me to push beyond my comfort zone and achieve success.

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