Absolutely excellent classes

Content: 5
Engagement: 5
Support: 5
Platform: 5
Value: 5

Over the past decade I have been to many language schools and experience many different teachers. That's Mandarin is really the best and I have been impressed during my 4 weeks here. Here's three reasons why:
1) Methodology: Unlike other schools, TM has a fantastic online platform and modern curriculum which focuses on teaching words through relevant stories and conversations. That is 100% more effective than the traditional "learning words and grammar by heart from an textbook" method. I have never progressed as quickly,
2) Teaching quality: Teachers really take the time to understand your weaknesses and tailor classes to that. Also the school ensures you get different teachers, this way you can experience a variety of teaching methods which are complementary for maximum effectiveness. I really benefited from this. I have had especially good experiences with 卢Laoshi and 崔 Laoshi.
3) Logistics and Organisation: Each student has a dedicated course coordinator who ensures all logistical questions are solved. You also receive regular reports on your progress, with feedback from your teachers.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed