Multiple Locations +2
  • New Zealand
  • Australia
4 to 12 weeks
Agriculture Animal Science Ecology Veterinary Wildlife Sciences

Program Details

Year Round
Host Family
Weekly Hours


Starting Price
Price Details
includes placement, airport transfer, 3 nights downtown hostel accommodation, welcome orientation, hostel membership, Sim card, bank account opening, Tax number application, and other essential information.
What's Included
Accommodation Meals
What's Not Included
Activities Airfare Airport Transfers SIM cards
Jun 04, 2024
Sep 03, 2024
37 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Live and work on a New Zealand farm and get to know the real New Zealand way of life.

We have over 200 farm hosts in every province of New Zealand doing every type of farming possible, including, Horse, Dairy, Horticultural Sheep, Alpaca, Mixed and Guesr Farms,.

You have the opportunity to help out around the farm with the animals or the crops, gardening, feeding , mucking out etc. as well as help around the house getting children ready for school, preparing meals, cleaning, doing washing, etc.

If you love working with horses this is a great program for you as we work with equestrian, polo and racing but also have many farms that have a hobby horse you can ride in your free time.

This program is only open to Working Holiday Visa Holders. See our website for more information about working and living on a farm in New Zealand.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Pre placed farm opportunities in New Zealand
  • Get to know the real farming lifestyle.
  • 250 farms of all types and size
  • Meet locals and travellers
  • Many horse farms available to all level of rider

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Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 7 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 4
  • Support 4.2
  • Fun 4.5
  • Housing 4.7
  • Safety 4.35
  • Impact 5
  • Support 5
  • Fun 2
  • Value 4
  • Safety 5
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

An experience I will cherish forever

I was set up with a family that has two young kids, two sprawling farms, and too many animals to keep count of. While life can be quite chaotic, I've learned so much while feeling useful and enjoying myself. I work on the farm, in the garden, in the house, and with the kids. When I'm not working, the family lets me pepper them with endless questions about farm life and New Zealand. Not only did I learned how to drive an off-roader and heard sheep, but I've learned about the lamb and wool industries and the ongoing struggle between rural and urban politics. It's been an enlightening experience and I'm terrifically impressed with both Internex and the country of New Zealand for what they have to offer.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
I've never been a picky eater, but I've also never been an adventurous eater. Here I was the latter. I tried both venison, mince, and lamb for the first time along with many other Kiwi classics---marmite, mince pies, and some unique toasties.
  • Learning hard skills such as hedge trimming, fencing, lamb care, gardening, etc.
  • Learning about the politics of both another country and another scene (ie. rural, farm)
  • Becoming part of the family---growing closer and finding my place in the house
  • The period of finding my place within the house
  • How muddy I get---especially after falling in multiple rivers and mud piles
  • Not having enough time:)
40 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

The best time of my life

One of my highlights during the time in New Zealand was the family I was living with and I am still so thankful that Internex picked them for me. It was a crazy, very busy, a little bit chaotic, fun loving and loveley family. The way they indluded me into the family from the very first second was such a great experience for me. Even the youngest kids (5 and 6 yo) were already so open that there was no chance for homesickness. During 4 month there was not one minute that I was bored. For example - In my first week after i finished my work in the stable the kids took me frog hunting one day when they were wearing their favourit princess dresses. Of course that didnt went well and after only 10 minutes I came home with two wet and dirty princess who were falling in the pond, a dirty wet dog and not even a frog. But i noticed very quickly that this is the normal life on the farm. And I was so happy about that. I think they are typical Kiwis... so open-hearted, enjoying their lifes and just having lots of fun. And they supported me a lot with travelling around and see as much of the country as possible. So at the end of my trip I saw more of the country then I first planned.
After 1-2 month in NZ I already noticed how the time aboard is changing me. When I first arrived I always said "No, I will never to something like skydiving or bungy" and I always was a real worrier. But the love of life from the Kiwis and all the other travelers I met was just infecting me and I learned how to enjoy and live the life. Just have fun and try to do as much as you can. So at the end of my trip I couldnt wait for finally jumping out of a plane! I love the Kiwi way of life and hope that I can keep it for me as Long as possible!

What would you improve about this program?
I think it might be helpful for the participants if they get the information about the family they will live with a little bit earlier. I got my family 4 days before I was leaving and I thought thats already very short-termed but when I arrived in Auckland I met some other girls of the programm and some of them didn't know where they are going to live although they were already in NZ. They were very unhappy and insecure what I noticed when we were in the group.
123 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The polaris

First we stayed on a quite small Dairy Farm in Dargaville. There were a wife with her husband, a daughter and Harley the dog. The work on the farm was very and there was always something to do. We were allowed to drive this little vehicle (polaris) to reach the workplace.
Once we had to clean the trughs which was quite disgusting because of all the weed and little insects inside. So we took the polaris to get to all the 50 paddoks and when we nearly finished this job and wanted to go to the last paddok which was so far away from the house and everything, the polaris just stopped and we couldn't move it any further. So we had to WALK all the was back and then it just began to rain so that was so funny!

123 people found this review helpful.
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My second home

It was one of the best experience in my life!
I lived on a sheep station in the mountains with a great family! I learned so much more than I expected to about sheep, life in general in NZ and about myself.
I really felt like part of the family. I was not only doing one kind of work, but all sort of stuff. I was doing what needed to be done and what any other family member would have done.The family included me in everything! Christmas with all of there family, day trips, rodeos, cowboy shooting, you name it! It was fantastic.
They also took me hunting, which I love and was a great envy from my brothers back home!
I also picked up a new hobby with painting antlers, which I hope the next helper will pick up were I left.
I got home sick sometimes and had some pretty bad days, but just remember to enjoy the time you have with these special people!
I consider New Zealand and the family as my second home.
You just need to have faith in the family and come with an open mind. But you also need to understand that you are not going on a relaxing Holliday. You are there to help out and learn. If you like to get your hands dirty and talk to different cultures, you are perfect for the job!

What would you improve about this program?
I had to wait 5-6 days in Auckland alone before they found me a farm. It got quite lonely.
118 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

I would do it again - anytime!

I have joined the farmstay program for 8 weeks in 2015 and stayed on a dressage horsefarm that also offers riding lessons, mainly for kids but also for adults who bring their own horses. My stay was off-season so most of the competitions were over and winter break was coming up but I still got to visit some dressage competitions or 3DEs (dressage, crosscountry, showjumping) together with my hostfamily. Since I am not a well experienced rider, I was afraid that a horsefarm might not be the best match for me and that my jobs would mainly be about cleaning out the stables and doing housework but because they have all kinds of ponies and horses on the farm I got to ride a lot and also learnt a lot about riding horses.
My day usually started with preparing the horse food and feeding the horses as well as the cats. After breakfast, I did whatever needed to be done, like gardening, cleaning paddocks, collecting lost food buckets, cleaning out the horse truck, sweep up hay or other spilled horse food and riding the horses. Around lunch time, I usually had a break not just to eat but also to read emails, catch up with friends or do some other spare time activities. In the afternoon I helped my hostmom with the ponies and in the evening I helped her son with the competition horses and fed the horses their dinner and supper.
My hostfamily has been very nice and kind and I never felt like a worker but a part of the family. Therefore, I didn't pay attention to working hours but always talked to them about my plans for weekend trips or a curfew on a day off during the week, just as you would at home. They also took me out often and introduced me to the Kiwi life which I appreciated much. Even though I couldn't spend much time on the farm in NZ, I would do it again anytime!

What would you improve about this program?
I monthly meeting with other participants in the area would have been nice or at least a monthly update with contact details of current participants to make it easier to find friends.
115 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My great farmstay experience

I did a farmstay in New Zealand in 2011/2012 and I still think that was one of the best times in my life. During the program I stayed on 2 different farms, where I gained a lot of experienve.
On the first farm my main work was to help my host familiy with their horses on showjumping competitions or to watch the kids. I learned a lot about horseshows and we even stayed a whole weekend at a horseshow and slept in the horsetruck - a great experience!
My work on the second farm was a little bit more like farmwork: I milked the cows, fed the calfs, builded fences or handled the horses and rode them. My hostfather also showed me how to ride the quad and the motorbike and how to work with the farmdogs, so that I was able to bring in the cows by myself. But I also worked in the house and watched the kids. Besides work I did many activities with my host family, they took me everywhere they went, introduced me to their friends and family and showed me some nice places in their area. I really felt like beeing a part of the family and it was so hard to leave after the great months I've spend there.
I still miss that time a lot and if I had the chance, I would immediately do something like that again.

117 people found this review helpful.
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Internex Farmstay in New Zealand

My farmstay in New Zealand was in one word AMAZING! I stayed with a lovely family in a little place next to the west coast. This place is in the middle of knowhere, but that made it so special. I worked every day at the stables together with another groom, working for a horsetrainer/rider. After a couple of months I feld I was really in charge of everything around the stables and especially the horses. You have to feed the horses, get them out of the paddock, brush and wash them, hack them on the hills and the road etc. Often in the weekends I was going to shows, like showjumping, dressage and eventing. One special thing that I will never forget is my very first beachride, where I always dreamed of. It was like this: Just three horses, three riders, the black sand, the sea, the breeze in my hear and nothing else! After my New Zealand experience I can say I learned a lot about, the farmlife, the horses, the stables and most important myself.

What would you improve about this program?
The start of the program, the beginning is really hard. You are new in a different world. I think it would helped me if I knew more about the whole new situation.
116 people found this review helpful.

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