Alumni Spotlight: Cecilia Petursson

Why did you decide to study abroad with AustraLearn at QUT?

Cecilia: I decided to study abroad at the Queensland University of Technology because they have a very good dance program. Since I was studying for a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance, it narrowed down my options of universities to choose from, but I couldn't have been happier at QUT. I wanted somewhere warm as well since I grew up in Pennsylvania and went to school in Ohio (very cold winters.) QUT is in Brisbane near the beach, has palm trees, mild winters, and hot summers.

Cecilia and friends enjoying life in Queensland, Australia

I decided to study abroad with AustraLearn because I really liked how they offered an introductory trip to Cairns, which included snorkeling and scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef and going to a Rainforest Station where we could pet and see kangaroos, koalas, wallabies, wombats, giant pythons and a huge salt water crocodile (we did not pet the croc though :) as well as experience Aboriginal dancing, singing, and didgerdoo playing.

I don't think I would have been able to have such an amazing experience like that without the help of AustraLearn. AustraLearn was also very helpful and organized when it came to all the paperwork involved before actually studying abroad which included many applications, health form, visas, payments, flights, and accommodation. I was able to set up my living arrangements in Australia through AustraLearn before I got there which took a lot of stress off me. Another big plus was that AustraLearn helped me transfer my credits smoothly.

What made your study abroad experience unique and special?

Cecilia: My study abroad experience was such an awesome experience. What made it really unique and special was getting to know the Australian people and culture. Since I was studying dance I had technique dance classes everyday as well as rehearsals so unlike some of the other Americans studying abroad with me, I probably didn't get to do as many small traveling excursions. However, I took class with all Australians so I really got to know and become good friends with them. I also love performing so that was a big highlight for me to learn choreography from a well known Australian dancer and choreographer and to perform onstage with my new Australian friends.

Cecilia combing the beaches of Fiji

I still was able to do a lot of traveling as well, which I loved. For spring break my roommate and I went island hopping in Fiji where we kayaked and went horseback riding on the beach. It was absolutely beautiful. A couple of us went camping on Moreton Bay Island for a weekend where we went four-wheel driving on the beach and sledding down huge natural sand dunes. I made a couple weekend trips up and down the Sunshine coast and Gold Coast to different beaches that were all different but equally beautiful.

I would definitely recommend visiting Byron Bay as well. I visited Sydney where I climbed the Harbour Bridge, hiked the Blue Mountains, and saw the Australian Ballet perform in the famous Sydney Opera House. On my way home two of my friends and I stopped in New Zealand's North Island for a week, which was fantastic. We went black water rafting inside glow worm caves, kayaking, and hiking and meet even more fun and friendly people.

How has this experience impacted your future?

Cecilia: This experience impacted me academically. In order for me to graduate with Honors and Distinction I had to do an undergraduate research project. I decided to do a comparative study of the two university's dance programs, QUT's and the Ohio State University's. I conducted video interviews with students, professors, and the chair from each university, filmed and observed rehearsals and technique classes, and obviously included my own experience by participating in classes and rehearsals at both universities. It was a very fulfilling project and I was honored to present my research at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum at the Ohio State University.

Cecilia petting some kangaroos in Australia

This experience has definitely impacted my personal and professionally future as well. While I was studying abroad I met my wonderful boyfriend who is Australian. I was able to meet some of his family and learn even more about Australian culture and people. We continued our relationship long distance. I had studied abroad during the fall semester so I returned to Australia that following summer to spend time with him. He was also able to come visit me and my family in the States.

Once I graduated I moved to Brisbane, Australia to be with my boyfriend. I've continued dancing and teaching dance over in Australia. In addition, while I was waiting for my partner working visa to go through, I took the opportunity to continue studying and became a Remedial Massage Therapist and found a job at a massage clinic. At the moment I am auditioning for dance companies to gain more performing experience, which might again take me to a new part of the world.

My study abroad experience has opened my eyes to all the different possibilities and opportunities there are in the world. I'm very comfortable with traveling to new places now, meeting new people, and even more excited and eager to discover what the future will hold for me next. I know I'll never forget my study abroad experience and am happy that AustraLearn helped make it a reality for me.

Horseback riding in Fiji