Alumni Spotlight: Abby Bryant

Abby enjoys beautiful Malaga!

Why did you decide to study abroad with ISA?

Abby: I spent hours upon hours pouring over study abroad catalogs and websites, but ISA stood out from the very beginning. I had a tough set of criteria: A mid-sized, Spanish city which was preferably located beach, a school that offered courses in both Spanish and English, a reasonable program price that was all-inclusive, and on site support that wasn't too overbearing. ISA provided all of that, plus some pretty incredible excursions, and I can't speak highly enough of their staff. I still stay in touch with them!

What made this study abroad experience unique and special?

Abby: Never having had the opportunity to travel internationally, this trip was such a learning experience for me. I feel like we (myself and the other participants) matured a lot in learning how to safely handle ourselves in a foreign country- We often joked that we should have received additional credits in "Logistics" for all the travel planning we did. Our ISA site staff was there for us every step of the way, from helping us plan our trip to Paris to translating for us at the bank when we didn't have the vocabulary to do so. They supported us, but they also pushed and challenged us, which made all of the difference in the world.

Abby on a Vespa in Spain!

How has this experience impacted your future?

Abby: I never guessed how much of a lasting impact my study abroad experience would have on me. Not only am I able to relate what I'm learning in the classroom to what I experienced in Spain, but potential employers have LOVED hearing about my global experiences. Living in Spain gave me a tiny taste of what living and working with other cultures would be like, and I know that's something I am, going to look for in a future career. Regardless of exactly what that may be, I'm excited and ready for whatever lies ahead of me.

If you were to go abroad again, what would you do differently?

Abby: I'm so happy with the friends I made, the classes I took, and the trips I got to plan. The only thing I would do differently is to have volunteered in the community and to have made contacts with businesses- they would be so helpful now that I'm looking for an international job!