Describe your day to day activities as a volunteer.
Rose: The first day included spending time with girls in a shelter teaching them arts and crafts. Another day I helped a 6 year old celebrate her birthday along with her school friends at the House of Tales & Music.
What made this experience unique and special?
Rose: Although it was only a week in November, it was an adventure of a lifetime meeting a community with different beliefs & cultures. The most memorable experience was an unplanned trip to a Syrian Refugee Camp meeting with the children making kites, puppets and singing. Although those children were laughing and having fun you could see the pain in their eyes knowing they had gone through so much losing their family, their homes and their country.
How has this experience impacted your future?
Rose: This trip made me realize the importance of traveling abroad and learning firsthand about other countries and their cultures. I not only have this experience to share but the friendships I made will last me a lifetime. I truly believe there is no age too young or too old to volunteer abroad.