Alumni Spotlight: Elaine Wilcock

Elaine is a 20 year old from Bolton, England. She attends the University of Chester and studied abroad at the University of Canberra in Australia.

Why did you decide to study abroad at the University of Canberra?

Elaine: I decided to do a split exchange with a semester in Australia because it has always been a county that I've wanted to visit. Canberra is the capital and I thought it would be a great place full of culture and diversity. It has not disappointed. I have kangaroos outside my window every morning, I have met Australians from all over the country and internationals from all over the world. The University has very good lecturers and the classes have been very interesting.

What is one piece of advice you would give to future University of Canberra students?

Elaine snorkeling in Australia

Elaine: One piece of advise I would give to future UC students is to live in Arscott house. It's a great accommodation and I've met great friends though staying there. You get to know more or less everyone in the residence and it becomes a house full of friends and fun. Although I spent most of my time with the people in my residence, I would have liked to get to know more international students.

What is your most meaningful souvenir?

Elaine: My most meaningful souvenir is an Australian flag I had all my friends write messages on before I left. It isn't only a symbol of Australia but it is full of personal messages. Every time I look at it will remind me of the amazing time I had in Australia. A time I will never forget. A time that has changed me. A time that allowed me to understand an amazing culture, that I will not only miss but take back to my home country and continue to value.