Alumni Spotlight: Cynthia Pitta Grós


Cynthia Pitta Gros is an 18-year-old from Angola, where she finished secondary school. She went to England with the intention of enrolling in college to study medicine. There, she first attended an English programme (at OISC) and is currently doing A-Levels (also through OISC).

Describe your program socially and academically.

My program included several lessons a week, sometimes with different teachers, which made the program much more interesting and versatile. The social environment was great both among students and between the students, teachers and other staff members. We all had a very open relationship and talked to each other in and outside of class. They were also very helpful and I got to experience and learn many things in Oxford because of their help. We were like a little family and it was one of the reasons why I chose OISC. In other places, I can imagine that the social atmosphere might be very different.

How has this experience impacted your future?

From the academic point of view, the English lessons allowed me to improve my English - which will be my passport to university. I just earned an 8 on my IELTS due to OISC and I'm very happy with that. From a personal standpoint, I made a lot of friends in Oxford whom I hope to be close with for years to come. My future definitely looks much brighter now.

Do you think your program changed you as a person?

Not only the program, but my time spent in England, has been a source of personal development and growth. I made lots of friends and I got to know people from all around the world with different cultures. I think this has made me more understanding and patient. I'm not the same girl I was when I left home. I'm more mature and independent. I thank my time in England for that.

What was the best place you visited outside of your study abroad city?

England is a beautiful country. There are so many places to know and see. I haven't been to every place I want to go, but I visited many cities and small towns. I have to say that my favourite was obviously London. It is a dynamic, lively and full of history. Also, Liverpool and the Cadbury factory in Birmingham.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to future OISC students?

COME. That's what I'd like to say. Come to England, come to Oxford, come to OISC. You'll have a great time while you learn English or prepare for university. One more thing, don't forget your umbrella, you'll need it :)