Morning: I was woken up every morning around 5 am by the sound of roosters and howler monkeys, which I ignored until about 6 when my host mother prepared breakfast for the family. We would have a typical “Tico” breakfast of gallo pinto (a delicious dish of rice and beans). After breakfast I would walk to the elementary school I taught at, which took about 8 minutes. I would pass neighbors and students on my way there with the customary greeting of “adios” that they used for “hello” interestingly enough. I taught all morning until the kids either had recess or lunch.
Afternoon: I always ate with my students at lunch, and when the world cup games were on lunch was extended so the kids and teachers could watch the game. On days that I didn’t teach I rode the bus to the closest town and was able to use a computer and buy snacks and fresh fruit from the grocery store. My older “sister” worked at a resort in the next town so I was able to go on rafting trips, and we frequently went to her house to visit and eat.
Evening: 4:00 PM was cafecito time, when we all drank coffee and had snacks, and we didn’t have dinner until about 8:00. We ate some version of rice and beans and watched telenovellas. My family liked karaoke and especially liked it when I tried to sing Abba! On Wednesdays I sometimes went with my little sister to bible study with the other teenagers from the town.