Staff Spotlight: Samantha Cameron

Global Partnerships Associate


Growing up in a small town in Canada gave Samantha the passion to explore the wonders the world has to offer at a young age. After traveling South and Central America with her backpack, she spent her final year of university in Bogota, Colombia and then proceeded to move to Santiago, Chile to go on to work for The Intern Group with the Global Partnerships team. Her goal is to cross traveling the other half of South America off her bucket list - coming soon!

What is your favorite travel memory?

In Baños, Ecuador while backpacking with my best friend. We rented ATV's to visit a famous "swing at the end of the world" but it was too foggy. We paid $1 to get on the swing, take our picture and leave. As we were going, it began pouring. Not only did I fall down the hill trying to get back to our ATV, but to top it off, they would not start. A friendly Ecuadorian family came to our rescue, and their son then proceeded to jump on the back of my ATV and told me to bring him to the bottom because "his friends will never believe it" - hence the photo. We proceeded to speed down this 5 km winding mountain in the middle of the rainstorm. Even though we couldn't see anything because of fog, and we were stuck in the middle of a torrential rainstorm, I have never laughed so hard. Sometimes it's about the memories along the way, not just the destination!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Working with The Intern Group has allowed me to realize my professional potential and career goals. After graduation I felt very lost and had no idea what I wanted to do and what impact I wanted to make in the world, even though I knew most graduates felt the same. When I started as an Admissions Officer here I was so inspired by the career aspirations of students from all over the world that it made me more focused on figuring out what l want to achieve as well. A positive and optimistic attitude is everything and I have to thank The Intern Group and our interns for showing me that!

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I am very biased since I lived in Bogota, Colombia for a year, but I would go back in a heartbeat. Colombia is such an intriguing program because it is an emerging economy and the possibilities are endless, and I believe it really gives you a unique perspective of the world. Not only does the country have so much to offer in terms of landscapes and biodiversity, but Colombians are some of the most friendly and welcoming people you will ever encounter. With that being said I recently spent time in our Madrid destination and fell in love with Spanish culture. They are open-armed, social beings who love to share food, laughter, and memories. How much time is there - can I go on all of our programs?

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

I think the biggest factor in being a successful company is having a strong team with a shared vision and set of values. Never underestimate those who want to make a positive difference in the world. The ability to come to work in a passionate and positive environment, where people genuinely believe in what they are doing, is inspiring. I truly believe that you should build a team on the premise that "If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life" which can start from the hiring process and be constantly developed through team engagement. Of course, people have their days and some tasks are less exciting, but in general if what you are doing as a company inspires your team on a daily basis, you will surely be successful!