Staff Spotlight: Juliette Acosta

Placement Coordinator
Juliette is a multicultural adventurer wanting to offer the best experiences and opportunities that she had the chance to have, to others.


What is your favorite travel memory?

My favourite travel memory is from this year where I got the chance to go to Guatemala while working and climb to Acatenango volcano (which is still active!!). I solo travelled for over 3 months in Colombia, Dominican Republic and Guatemala, and being able to see Lava and do a 2 day hike while sleeping on the volcano was incredible.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I have grown in many ways thanks to my amazing colleagues. I have learned to trust and collaborate in ways that have taken me much more time in the past. Having a clear and common goal of wanting the best for our "clients" (meaning companies and candidates) is an amazing feeling. And this has taught me the importance of a great team.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

The best stories come from candidates having their expectations surpassed. When they were suppose to do an 8 week internship, and then they follow up doing 6 months- or are hired by their company. One particular intern comes to mind that was doing a fashion internship, and built an entire fashion show while finding some personal clients for her clothing line.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

That is a tough one- as I would want to do all of them!! I think for travelling purposes (and cultural difference) I would want to go to Hong Kong or Japan and do an entrepreneur/business internship. I would choose those fields to have the most open minded and flexible choices. Indeed, I would want the companies to guide me into what they would need (ideally a really cool project) in which I would touch in multiple aspects of the business.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

I think of TIG as being unique in the way they communicate. Being a completely remote company, this is an essential element of what makes this company work and flourish. I believe the way people trust each other, are transparent, and are able to be themselves while also being motivated and determined, are what makes the perfect ingredients.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Having an HR background, I truly believe that the wellbeing of the workforce makes for the achievements of the company's goal. And having a clear goal that all employees align with is a true determining factor in what makes the company successful. The diversity of the team + the same vision for the company makes for a truly rich work environment.