
Don Spanish

Why choose Don Spanish?

Many of you are wondering where to start when searching for the right Spanish course for you. understands how difficult it is to navigate in the vast flow of information on the Internet, so we decided to help you to simplify the process. We tested this path on our own experience, so you don´t have to. Trust us!

First you should decide for yourself a fundamental question: whether you want to learn the language directly in Spain or in your hometown. Our advice is to choose to learn Spanish in Spain; even 2-3 weeks spent there will be a big step in your studying process, and a motivational boost that will be difficult to obtain otherwise. After a short period abroad you will be able to communicate in Spanish, and if you have the opportunity to stay in Spain for longer, it's hardly possible to find a better option.



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Yes, I recommend this program

Lots of fun and useful

I took a short course (2 weeks x 20h) but it was quite useful since we were a small group and the teacher was quite supportive and made the classes very easygoing.

We had a lot of fun too. The course organizers invited us for a night at Opium (great disco bar) and for a boat drive along the coast.

All in all I would recommend it.

What would you improve about this program?
Barcelona school is smaller than the leader's, which is good because it makes the whole experience much more personal and rewarding. On the other side I guess that the level of Spanish of my course was a bit diverse.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best combined experience Spanish Learning & City fun

The ambient, the teachers, the city, the cultural activities. I don't know where to start telling you about my experience learning Spanish in probably the most beautiful city in Europe. For me was a boost in motivation and I was able to communicate in Spanish after these classes. I hope it does the same for you.

What would you improve about this program?
Lodging close to the school would be a great add on.


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