

Why choose Ironhack?

Ironhack was founded to change the way we learn about technology. We offer immersive learning experiences to extremely motivated students who want to change career directions or turbocharge their current professional trajectory or just to improve their skills before or during university.

We offer intensive programming & design courses in the latest web technologies and believe that the best way to learn how to code is by actually coding.
We’re located in Miami, Mexico, Madrid, Barcelona and Paris.

Part of our program is to help our students find a job in the field after the course. We have been placing more than 94% of our graduates and we gained the trust of many companies in this field. All our graduates do well in their new job because our course is focused y the practical side and they are trained to be ready for the professional life.


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Victor Manuel
Yes, I recommend this program

An unforgettable experience !!

After passing through the university, I decided to change my profile and enrolled in Ironhack. It was an incredible experience, I never thought I could learn so much in such a short time.

The team is wonderful both in the technical aspect and in the human aspect. The contents are current and after the bootcamp you still have the support of a community that grows with each bootcamp.

The place is perfect, Matadero is one of the most important center of alternative culture in Spain & the office is spacious and really wonderfull.

What would you improve about this program?
Nothing to improve
Yes, I recommend this program

A great change in my life

I was a backend developer, with Rails, which i learned by myself, and wanted to learn Javascript MEAN stack and switch to frontend development. I did it in 9 weeks.

We were 16 students and learned more than you can learn by yourself in a double amount of time. That number allows you to do pair programming, ask whenever you need, and being a little family (it is the whole day with them).

You will have a lead teacher, to learn the deepest corners of Javascript, and some teacher assistants, to guide you through the daily practices and being more than teachers.

It is very intensive, but magical. When you finish, you will be very impressed about how much knowledge you acquired in just 9 weeks. And you will be prepared to be a junior in the techs that companies wants.

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Yes, I recommend this program

It was an Amazing Experience

In Ironhack I learnt new programming methodologies that I didn't knew in the University. The Staff are constantly updating the content in order to have the newest information about Web Development.

The first days I was really lost because there has a lot of information and I needed to get used to it. During the bootcamp , they want to promote the networking (between the student's) and also to share our coding with the community.

Also I can say that, after the bootcamp, they was asking me about my job interviews in order to start working as a developer!

What would you improve about this program?
Nothing to say.


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Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Nesrin Khweldi

Job Title
Admissions Director

Nesrin is originally from Libya and grew up in Madrid, Spain. She worked in finance for ten years, and eventually decided to transition to a career in marketing with an international study abroad company.

Through her work with IronHack, she discovered the world of study abroad and now works to help students arrange their trips.

What is your favorite travel memory?

My favorite travel memory was when I visited New York for the first time. Having seen the city many times before in movies, I had the feeling that I had been there before.

Many places are nice to visit, though you never get a true feel for it unless you stay for a couple of months and truly immerse yourself in the place -- this is one of the reasons I think study abroad is such an interesting, life-changing experience. I would have loved to stay in New York for three months to learn more about what it's like to live there.

What do you love about working at Ironhack?

Ironhack has helped me to be more confident in myself. The constant appreciation of each team members efforts allows us to be who we really are and try out new ideas. This isn't something that you find in many companies and I think it really helps employees to grow and enjoy their work.

The Ironhack team is like a big family. We all support each other and the company mission of caring for our students' lives and goals while preparing the next generation of digital creators.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

I think the best stories are hearing of students who find their dream job in record time. Some visit us weeks after their graduation and tell us that they are already working in web development or product design and love their job.

A recent student said to us: "when you complete the course you always have resources to help you along your journey, whether it is coding help or helping you find a job."

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I would learn UX/UI Design, because it is very visual and I like design thinking.

This course helps students learn the fundamentals of User-Centered Design and learn to validate ideas by going through the design process starting with User Research, Rapid Prototyping and ending with User Testing & Iteration. The course ends with a capstone project where students will take a new product idea from validation to launch.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

What makes our company unique is that we care about our students and their stories, we are a very warm team and students at campus feel part of our family very fast. We build a strong relationships with our students that last for years after their graduation and we make them feel that they can always come back to Ironhack if they need any help in the future.

Work with each other in a friendly and polite way and the feeling of being one team makes me feel proud of being part of Ironhack -- we celebrate each other's success and help each other when needed.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

I believe that our success relies on the fact that we offer a curriculum with the latest in technology. Our relationships with top-tech companies gives us access to all of the information we need to create and adapt the curriculum to the job market requirements.

Our teachers have a lot of experience in the field and we do our best to keep what we promise to our students so we don´t oversell or promise something we can't achieve. We also help students to build a strong network in the field by organizing many networking and alumni events.

Ironhack hosts some of the most important Meetups in each city it operates in giving students the opportunity to dive into the community through workshops, events, and conferences hosted on campus.