Where There Be Dragons

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Experience

I had a very good experience on this trip. Where There Be Dragons is very intentional about traveling and experiencing other cultures in the right way which was something that I really appreciated. My instructors and group members were incredible and we were all very close by the end of the trip. There was a good ratio between doing fun things like getting outdoors and visiting places that are difficult to visit like Potosí, a mining town in Bolivia. My Spanish improved significantly and I had incredible experiences with all of my homestays.

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Yes, I recommend this program

A transformative summer

My experience with wheretherebedragons was extremely transformative. Not only did it exponentially improve my Spanish speaking, but it challenged me to become a better version of myself. I was pushed both physically and emotionally during the trek, and emerged a stronger and more resilient human because of it. Being away from technology was particularly impactful, as it challenged me to refocus my priorities and reflect on my core values. My instructors were incredible, and I bonded closely with all of my peers. I would 100% recommend this trip for any young adult, not because it was “fun” or “easy”, but because it taught me more about different cultures, people, and myself.

What was your funniest moment?
Funniest moment was definitely playing random games with my friends on the treks!
  • Homestay/bonding with family
  • Summitting the trek
  • Exploring new foods
  • Sicknesses/parasites
  • No other cons!
  • No other cons!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Unique adventure along the Mekong

My time in Southeast Asia was a very intense journey with ups and downs and turnarounds...

From deep within the rainforest in quiet villages to vibrant cities, my experiences covered a wide spectrum of accommodations—moving from the warmth of local family homes to the convenience of hotel stays. Getting around involved a mix of travel methods, from hopping on public and private buses to tuk-tuks (no motorbikes!), mini tractors, sitting in the back of trucks, boats of different sizes, sangtaos, and even exploring by bike or strolling on foot.

Gestures spoke volumes, and our mother tongues couldn't have been more different. I picked up stories from monks, shared moments with mothers, and had laughs with same-aged youth and people from different backgrounds than mine. Chatting with bomb removal workers, specialists from various walks of life, farmers, and fishers—each encounter painted a richer picture of the journey.

Venturing beyond my comfort zone, I immersed myself in hands-on experiences like cultivating rice and weaving bamboo, cooking, and learning from locals, and forming bonds with families and cultures previously unknown to me.

Embracing the simplicity of daily life, including the joy of sticky rice, hammocks, re-packing my backpack countless times, and saying goodbyes became a cherished part of my routine.

The absence of a phone heightened genuine connections, helping me to learn to navigate moments of boredom and discomfort, just observe and take in present moments more consciously.

Traveling along (and swimming in) the Mekong, I explored spirituality (eg. visiting countless temples) and environmental awareness, witnessing their impact on locals in villages and vibrant cities alike.

This Dragons journey exposed me to cultural richness, and personal growth through challenging norms gave me a glimpse into the Southeast Asian world, and ignited the curiosity of a young traveler, setting the stage for their future global adventures.

  • Very well trained, passionated and educated Instructors.
  • No phone, offline for 3 months.
  • Almost no international students, primarily Americans.
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Yes, I recommend this program


What an incredible semester! Not only did this expand my views on the world but also my capabilities to live within it! I experienced amazing insights surrounding culture, art, religion, history and more! It was great experiencing all of these places without a phone as well because I was even more out of my comfort zone and it forced me to stay present and utilize interpersonal resources. Our group felt like a family by the end as we had experienced so much with one another, and grew incredible relationships along the way as well!

What was your funniest moment?
I was playing volleyball with locals in the Amazon. A kid hit the ball and it rolled off a ledge! I ran after it and jumped over! Slid 20 feet and ran into the river. Ball saved.
  • Practiced Spanish
  • Stayed with locals that took you around
  • Hiked in all different ecosystems
  • Many illnesses
  • I was a little stinky
  • Changes in altitude took adjusting
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Yes, I recommend this program

South America Semester with Where There Be Dragons

This program provided an amazing mix of trekking, homestays, and time to explore. We traveled with a group of 12, as well 3 instructors, providing an excellent ratio and an amazing group dynamic. We traveled throughout Peru and Bolivia, interacting with many local communities and people, creating an experience that felt unique and distinctly not touristy. Additionally the treks we did allowed us to see much of the beautiful nature these countries contain. Overall my experience was invaluable to learning more about myself, making amazing friends, and improving my language anf traveling skills.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Go into the program with no expectations and just go with the flow. Try to live in the moment and enjoy everyday.
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No, I don't recommend this program

Indonesia review

Not only with my dragons trip was I able to learn so much about different communities and cultures, but also about myself. I loved my dragons program and I without a doubt would recommend it to others. My favorite portion of the trip was the second home stay in Langa. Here, I lived with a family which had three young men who loved to do outdoor activities, so we ended up going on early morning runs everyday. Indonesia as a whole was a really incredible experience and the places I stayed were very different from my home.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Be sure to bring Dramamine and be prepared for some tight squeezes
  • Cultural immersion was amazing
  • Great community and helpful instructors
  • Lots of educational experiences not only in regard to conservation
  • Many travel days
  • Sickness
  • Miscommunication at times/lack of communication from instructors
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No, I don't recommend this program


Entering this program, I expected to emerge as a more competent Spanish speaker with a wider knowledge of Guatemala’s history, politics, culture, food, and current situation. I learned a lifetime worth of knowledge about these topics, but the way I grew as a human being surprised me. I feel inspired to listen to my gut, I feel intentional with my actions, I feel innovative and excited to continue with my passions. A new world has been opened up to me in a beautiful way, leading me on my next adventures with a greater certainty and with many more questions I can’t wait to find the answers to.

What was your funniest moment?
Laughing with my host mom in the small town of Pachaj about the fact that the word zipper in Spanish is the same, just in a Spanish accent.
  • Spanish
  • Learning
  • Self growth
  • Not everyone in the program being as dedicated
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Yes, I recommend this program

Semester in Nepal!

This was an incredible experience. Nepal had a completely foreign culture to me, and through this course, I felt not only growth in terms of cultural exchange but also in personal development. I learned to be more self reliant and more appreciative of the people and places around me.
I also felt safe at all times, and made some lifelong connections both with fellow students and with Nepali people.
This experience left me with a desire to continue exploring and living more fully.
I also felt that my language retention skills increased because of learning Nepalese which was an unexpected outcome.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
It was less what I ate and more how I ate it. We ate dal bhat (rice and lentils) with our hands, which was incredibly different from what I was used to. I grew to enjoy it though!
  • the scenery during the trek
  • the animals we encountered along the way (seeing a rhino in Chilean Natl Park)
  • the village homestay
  • not making as many lifelong friendships as I wanted to
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Yes, I recommend this program

Living in Bolivia and Peru

Living with families in Bolivia was one of the most impactful experiences of my life. Their culture is far separated from the US, and though the families had no reason to show us acceptance and love, they welcomed us as their children. Our time in the Amazon jungle also felt like a step into a National Geographic magazine. Except everything was real, the trees, the animals, the houses, and the people. Down to earth and fiercely family oriented, I loved all of the guides and the people of the town.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best three months ever

Best three months! Awesome kids and instructors. Crazy experiences, fun adventures, and so much perspective. Couldn’t recommend this trip more! I had so much fun getting to know a new culture a community. I learned so much, and Nepal is unique in that you learn about religion just by being there because it is so ingrained in Nepali culture. I made the best memories and saw the most beautiful things, especially on our trek of Mt. Manaslu! Once again, couldn’t recommend more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!