Quest Exchange

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Quest Spain

Our son is based in Spain for his senior year in high school. He is having an amazing time. Jeannette and the crew at Quest have been so easy to work with and have answered all of our questions, and believe me we had a lot! They made the whole process almost flawless, the visa for Spain took some work but that is not Quest, it is the Spanish Consulate and their process. Overall, we would use Quest again and we are going to send our youngest son through them when the time comes. I would highly recommend.

What would you improve about this program?
Spanish Visa process needs some help.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Adventures in Austria

I remember dreaming of becoming an exchange student months before I thought it was possible. Quest really helped me and my family make this dream a reality! I had the experience of a lifetime, I've made friends I still talk to daily (nearly 2 years later!), I learned, I saw, and I would do it again in a heartbeat! I urge high school students everywhere; if you have the opportunity to study abroad, please, please do it!
I was so lucky to have been placed in the beautiful Vienna, Austria. It was super easy to get around because the public transportation there is super clean and efficient (hard to believe for Americans, I know), the food was delicious and not too unfamiliar, the culture was rich and exciting, and every day I learned something new. I still dream of this wonderful city and I long for the day I can come back.
Quest was very helpful, affordable, and made things a lot easier for me and my family. I strongly recommend using this program when thinking about studying abroad!

Yes, I recommend this program

Boston to South Korea: Adventure is out there! (Up reference)

Before leaving, I had no worries. I was full of excitement and adventure-until I got there. As soon as I landed, I experienced a feeling I never thought would happen to me:culture shock. I thought I knew everything I needed to know about the country, but still I did not feel well and became very nervous the first week I was there. But please do not let culture shock scare you off. I almost wanted to go home because of it. I would have missed out on so many amazing experiences if I left after my first week. The Quest Exchange staff was there for me and after talking to them and getting help from them, I had a great time for the rest of the time that I was there. In fact, it was the best time of my life. I met so many fantastic people. Eventhough there was a language barrier, I still became close with my host families and friends at school and in the end it was hard to leave. I am very glad I got to have this adventure even if it was only for a short time. I will definitely be back in the future. All in all, Quest Exchange was great in making sure I had a safe and fun time while abroad. If you are reading this and considering going abroad I say: Do it and don't let irrational fear stand in your way.

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Yes, I recommend this program

A great semester in Spain

Here's some tips, learning a new language is really hard but just have fun with it and it will come, if your teachers feel bad for you they will give you better grades, don't be afraid to talk to random people on the street to make new friends, and if a Spaniard is yelling at you -- that's just how they communicate so get used to it. These are some tips that I picked during my 5 month stay in Spain through Quest. I found Quest while searching for exchange programs for the second half of my senior year. I't turned out Quest was local for me and a great choice. As a smaller company they were able to keep things very personal, leading up to my trip, during my exchange, and after my return. My quest counselor (for lack of a better word) was Mei Jardstrom. From my first information request she kept in contact with me through email, 1 on 1 Skype interviews, and threw my parents. During my time in Spain I mostly worked with the local program for my country but in the background Quest was staying in contact and assisting me throughout my time there. I had a great experience with this program and would highly recommend it if you want a smaller, more personalized experience rather then a large industrial program such as AFS.

What would you improve about this program?
The only issue I had was I did not get much assistance while applying for my student visa which is a difficult and confusing fiasco of bureaucracy and long lines.
Response from Quest Exchange

You're right Jonas that practicing with locals and taking it easy on yourself are key to improving your foreign language. And yes, you may have to adjust to higher volumes while abroad!

We agree that the visa process for Spain is not the most straightforward; we found it difficult to contact the consulate about booking appointments since they outsource their customer service to a different company. Now we are recommending that students secure appointments even before receiving placement information, to avoid any potential backlog.

Thanks for your insight and advice for future students!


Yes, I recommend this program

Studying in Thailand 2016

This was truly an experience of a lifetime! There are so many great memories I got to have this summer because of studying abroad. From exploring the Grand Palace, to learning to communicate in Thai, to making new friends, to visiting temples, Thailand has definitely stolen my heart! I think traveling, especially as a high school student, is such an important experience because, at least for me, it has made me so much more confident and excited for the future. Even though the program I participated in was only 2 months long, it gave me insight into living independently, which I can only assume will help in the future. Being exposed to so many new traditions and culture has changed the way I think and see the world. It has allowed me to grow in a way that most people don't ever get to do. I cannot recommend this program enough. I have made so many great memories and lifelong friends and people I can call family, even though they are 1/2 way around the world. If you are looking for a place full of a rich, unique culture, full of happy, kind, and respectful people, the Land of Smiles is a fantastic choice! I think the only advice I can give is to just embrace the opportunity, the opportunity to travel, to be immersed in another culture, and to make lifelong friends. It is an experience of a lifetime that I know I will never forget!

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My Semester Abroad In Italy

I wanted to study abroad for a variety of reasons. I wanted to experience a new culture, to learn a new language, to dramatically change my environment, and to challenge myself in a completely new way. I studied abroad for the second semester of my junior year in high school. I made the decision to study abroad somewhat last minute, although I knew that making a big jump in my life, especially during high school, was something I had always wanted to do. I researched and even applied to a variety of programs, hoping to make my dream a reality. However, the majority of them were rather expensive, and I knew that if I were to actually go abroad, I would have to do it in a way that would work with my family's budget. I was really lucky to find Quest Exchange, because it was not only affordable, but it allowed me to go in the time frame I had available, and it worked with me in a way that made my dream of going feel possible. I went into their office in San Francisco before and after I left and got to meet with the staff there who were especially nice, and had their contacts the entire time I was abroad. I spent an amazing 5 months with a loving family, exploring numerous Italian cities within the country and surrounding countries, trying new foods, seeing new faces, and learning the language at an excelled yet extremely entertaining pace. I know that studying abroad is a different experience for everyone, especially with so many countries and time frames to choose from, but no matter what, one will always end up making unforgettable memories and growing in new ways, and so I highly recommend any who is interested to take part in this program.

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Life in Vero Beach

My experience in Vero Beach was way better that I could ever imagine. At first, it is really scary to be left alone in a family and a school that you don't know. But, then when you get to use to your lifestyle there, everything just go so fast. I have done so many activities and met so many amazing persons while I was in Florida. On the weekends, my friends and I would go and have lunch, then head up to the beach. We would have sleepovers all the times and go to restaurants. I also had the chance to go to Universal studio twice, I went to Miami with 4 of my best friends and went to Texas during Thanksgiving break. I really liked the school there, I had really fun classes, like pottery, marine science and other. Also everyone was so kind and the teachers were really nice.

I think the best thing about this whole experience is the people that you meet. They have been a big part of probably some of the best moments of my life and now I don't see my life without them. We have built amazing friendship and I know for sure, I will see them again.

What would you improve about this program?
I really had the best experience I could have, I don't think about any way that this program could be improve.
Yes, I recommend this program

Rohr in Niederbayern

I wasn't really sure how I was going to adjust to such a small place like Rohr. As we were driving in after my plane I was still a little anxious, but the town was just so European and beautiful that I didn't even matter how big it was. I finally got to my house which was a bit outside of town, and it was surrounded by trees and flowers and plants. It is probably one of the most fantastic gardens I have seen and it just makes me happy looking at it. My host family is so accommodating and wonderful and I get along with them so well after only three months of being here. It's like I've known them my whole life and I'm so happy to be placed with them. I'm no longer worried about the size of the town that I've been placed in, because all of the friends I've made and the family that I have here make my experience great. The things that matter are the people around you not your actual environment.

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Music, Friends, and Studying Abroad

I made my first friends at high school during the first day of classes. I had sat at the front of the class so that I could understand the teachers better, but I had no idea who the people sitting next to me were. They had been observing me curiously for most of the first class, and I could tell they were wondering who this American kid who had taken the seat next to them was. Was he a good student, did he have bad hearing, or did he just have no idea what he was doing? As class drew to a close, I drew my courage and meager Spanish skills together, and prepped my brilliant, ice-breaking comment.

"Hola, me llamo Thor, cómo estás...te gusta ACDC?"

Lucia, who was wearing an ACDC t-shirt, nodded and grinned from ear to ear. We started a long conversation about our favorite music, the instruments we played, and the differences between American and Spanish cultures. Before I knew it, I was playing piano and synthesizer in a Spanish band, jamming once a week with some of my best friends ever. We played everything from ACDC to Young the Giant to Coldplay. Along with sharing the universal language of music, I gained some personal tutors for my Spanish, as well as some helpful resources in class.

While the circumstances were unique, this experience was not exclusive during my stay. While there are exceptions, most human beings are eager to learn about the world outside of what they know. Being an exchange student, you can make some of the quickest and best friends of your life. You just have to make that leap and go for it! I promise it will be worth it.

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Host Sisters Travel to Thailand

I was placed within the perfect host family in Haarlem, Netherlands. Renate was my host sister and she is my same age. From the beginning we were like real sisters! I call her my "Dutch sister" and she calls me her "American sister". We did everything together when I lived with her.

We became more than sisters, Renate and I are best friends. Studying abroad in the Netherlands for 2 months was not enough time! So the summer after my time abroad I went back to the Netherlands to visit. But that still wasn't enough for Renate and I! So...

This summer Renate I am have booked a 3 week trip to Thailand! We will backpack though Thailand together, just us two. We will be a powerful duo abroad: the Dutch girl and the American girl take Thailand!

What would you improve about this program?
I honestly wouldn't change anything! Quest took the time to learn about me so that they could find me the perfect family within the perfect city!