If you decide to choose AUT as your exchange school, you won't be disappointed! NZ is, in my opinion, the most beautiful country and the people are the best. When I decided to come here as an exchange, I knew that it was going to be fun but I had no idea that it would be this much fun! The staff and co-students are helpful and extremely nice. Moreover, the campus is very comfortable and good.
Sometimes I felt like my papers could've been more challenging. However, with a wide variety of papers, you can choose to make your studies more/less demanding.
A big part of the lives of exchange students is traveling. Because the stream-based paper selection system, you can choose to have days off your week and hence travel more if you want.
To sum it up, I was extremely satisfied with my exchange. Everyone helps you if needed, the facilities were nice and the atmosphere was amazing.
What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
During my semester break, I was travelling Australia and saw two koalas get into a fight. My life was shook.