  • Spain
    • Madrid
Fall, Spring

Program Details

Program Type
Degree Level
Apartment Host Family


Starting Price
Oct 24, 2018
May 03, 2012
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About Program

Spend a semester in Madrid, Spain! Universidad Carlos III de Madrid offers a broad range of courses with two campuses, with two libraries and sport centers for all students. As the nation's capital, Madrid is a treasure trope of Spanish cuisine and lifestyle. With world class bars and restaurants, as well as renowned art museums, Madrid's city center is everything a student can ask for. The city's rich cultural heritage is what makes it a favorite among student destinations. For more information, come into our office or visit our website.

Note: Intermediate Spanish is required (201B). Advanced level Spanish is recommended, as most classes will be taught completely in Spanish. Come into our office for more information.

Program Reviews

4.00 Rating
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  • Academics 4
  • Support 4
  • Fun 4
  • Housing 4
  • Safety 5
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Yes, I recommend this program

Cold Spring

The time I've had in Madrid has never been something I have had experienced. My only problem with studying abroad was the school, when I arrived here I expected a different kind of learning or even the same, but once i began studying the teachers really did not care about you, they hand you the program for the semester and they expect you to learn everything on your own. I'm not sure if the professors I had were just bad, but they did not know how to teach, you have to put a lot effort, and by far I have never studied so much in my life, I was reading constantly everyday just to understand the material, since some professors do not like to be bothered with questions. However, the semester hasn't been so horrible. The students are very nice and helpful, they are willing to teach you about the course and it is a really nice way to get aquianted with the students. The first week in school, I met most of my classmates, they all know each other since they have been studying together since they started University, however, they invited me to hang out with them and meet up with them. I started to feel really at home.
The locals (the students) took me everywhere, from the local bars in Madrid to the cheapest/best restaurants for tapas (which are really cheap, like Museo del Jamon, you have to try the cured ham). The food is amazing and very cheap and also the drinks, everyone drinks at all times without any judgement so if you want to drink at 11 am then you are free to do so. The people here in Madrid live very "laid back" without a worry in their mind, as an American girl I do not know how to relax, so you have to learn just to wait, because Madrileños are all about just relaxing and taking day by day.
The night scene is much different than United States or Los Angeles, people leave at 1 am to clubs or bars and don't get back home at 5 or 6 am. They party any night they want, just because they have school in the morning it does not stop them from going out. It's really something else when you're out here, people are nice, and love to dance, the guys are very nice to girls and the girls not so much.
Since residents party so much at night they also wake up late, establishments are open at 9 or 10 am, not like United States when everything opens up at 8 am, sometimes places open up later, and they also have siesta time, so if you plan on visiting beware of the time 2-5 pm is usually siesta time, not everything is closed, but if you're are trying to eat some snacks at a mom and pop store chances are that it is closed. I really didn't like this, it is very unconvenient but it is their culture.
The culture also consists of soccer fans, so if you're here during a soccer night, please go to a bar and check out the game, everyone gets so into the game. I really never been much into soccer or ever played it, but in Madrid I enjoy it, if you get the chance please go to a game, it will keep you entertained for about 2 or 3 hours. Grab some tapas and some sangria and you will have a great time!
If you are familiar with Madrid you will know that most people speak Spanish here, if you do not speak it well, you will catch on to it very fast. The people here speak very fast and with an accent, don't be afraid in asking them to repeat it. When I first arrived I couldn't understand mostly anything, not because i didn't know spanish, but because it is a different language, different dialect. I been speaking Spanish my whole life, but you could get confused with the vocabulary they have here. You will not come off as rude but try to catch on the words and their accents, most people like it, as for me, its okay, but i like my mexican accent.
Well, my experience was wonderful, I met a lot of people, ate a lot, and drank a lot. Although, sometimes I got really homesick I wouldn't change the experience, you have to surround yourself with people who you can be with, after all it will be your home for the next several months. Have people visit you and skype a lot, it will keep you in touch with your home, because after 4 months you want to be home, but you will entertain yourself with all the things you need to do. Travel as much as you can, even the surrounding cities, they're very beautiful and cheap to travel around, it is a very old country with old traditions so make sure you get to try to do everything on the list.
fyi--they have an event each Sunday called the "rastro" which is a swapmeet, its early in the morning, but try to go, you will find very cheap things there and you can try to get it for cheaper, try to eat around there, sometimes they have great food for a great deal, you can spend around two hours each time you go, it's great to meet friends there.
The weather in Madrid is very different than Los Angeles, so I suggest you bring warm coats, you will find great boutiques here to buy more fashionable clothes!

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