Volunteer in Jordan
Jordan is one of the most fascinating nations in the Middle East. From biblical sites, castles, ancient citadels to ruined Roman cities, you will easily find something in Jordan that fascinates you. Jordan is the home of Petra, an ancient Nabataean lost city, comparable to Machu Picchu as well as Angkor Wat and Amman, its capital and a modern, culturally diverse Arab city. There are many opportunities for individuals who wish to discover a different aspect of the nation by volunteering.
Social Work and Women’s Empowerment: Jordan has many organizations that work for women’s empowerment, and many of these have opportunities for volunteers. As a volunteer, you will help women (mostly widows) become self sufficient! You will help them design, market and sell various handicrafts which they are experts at making.
Work with Children: Organizations in Jordan often work with children, particularly physically and mentally disabled children. These organizations are often short on staff and have a tremendous need for volunteers. As a volunteer you will help take care of the basic needs of the volunteers and also help plan and conduct educational activities for them.
Community Development: Many schools in Jordan do not have proper facilities and are in need of extensive work. As a volunteer, you will help clean a school’s site, painting walls, and help build areas where students can play sports.
How Volunteering Here Will Help Your Future:
Jordan is a great nation to volunteer in. You will get to experience and learn about the nation and its Islamic culture. The nation is liberal however, so you don’t have to worry too much about constantly dressing and behaving very conservatively. You will meet many interesting people and gain skills that will be helpful for you regardless of what you do in the future.
Best Places to Volunteer:
- Amman: the capital and largest city in Jordan; has the most volunteer opportunities.
- Az Zarqa: city located in northern Jordan, major industrial center.
- Irbid: second largest city in Jordan, major transportation hub and home to many universities.
Health and Safety of Volunteers in Jordan:
As a volunteer in Jordan, you are highly recommended to be vaccinated for Hepatitis A & B, and Typhoid. For more information, visit MD Travel Health.
Jordan is a relatively safe country for tourists and volunteers. Petty crime such as purse snatching and pickpocketing is the most common, particularly in crowded areas of Amman and tourist areas throughout the nation. To avoid being a target of a crime, always be alert, particularly in crowded areas and after exiting an ATM or bank.