  • Philippines
1 to 12 weeks
Need-based funding
Health & Safety

Program Details

Short Term Spring Break Summer Winter Year Round
Apartment Guesthouse Host Family
Small Group (1-15) Medium Group (16-30) Large Group (31+)
Travel Type
Budget Family Older Travelers Solo Women


Starting Price
Price Details
All programs include arrival airport transfers, accommodation, meals, 24/7 local support, orientation, and Certificate of Completion.
What's Included
Accommodation Some Activities Airport Transfers Equipment Meals Transportation Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Travel Insurance Visa
Jun 04, 2024
Jul 25, 2023
14 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

We are a charity and non-profit org and have several programs in the Philippines, giving back to some of the most disadvantaged communities and people. The Philippines, although popular with tourists, is also a very poor country. Our programs help those in need, through medical assistance, education and support. We also have environmental, agriculture and construction programs available.

All programs include arrival airport transfers, accommodation, meals, 24/7 local support, orientation, and Certificate of Completion. We offer safe, reliable, and impactful programs, helping communities in need around the globe.

Come and join us today and make a real difference!

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Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

IVI are firmly committed to providing full support and inclusivity for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour) individuals. Through our programs and initiatives, we strive to create a safe and empowering space that acknowledges, values, and uplifts the unique perspectives and contributions of BIPOC communities. Our organisation stands united in the fight against discrimination and is dedicated to fostering an environment where everyone can thrive, irrespective of their background.

LGBTQIA+ Support

IVI are dedicated to providing our full support for individuals from the LGBTQIA+ community, we strive to create a safe and welcoming space for people of all gender identities and sexual orientations. Our commitment extends to promoting equal rights, dignity, and respect for every individual, regardless of their LGBTQIA+ status. We aim to create a world where diversity is embraced and everyone can thrive to their full potential.

Neurodivergent Support

IVI are committed to fostering inclusivity, we provide steadfast support to neurodivergent individuals. Our programs create a safe and embracing environment, where diverse neurocognitive perspectives are valued. Upholding equal rights and respect, we aim to eliminate obstacles and empower all members of the neurodivergent community to thrive through our dedicated initiatives.

Accessibility Support

With a strong commitment to inclusivity, IVI offer support for individuals requiring accessibility accommodations. Our initiatives are designed to create an environment where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can fully participate and contribute. Whilst some programs may be more suitable than others, we strive to empower all individuals to engage and excel in our programs and activities.



IVI are dedicated to promoting sustainability in all aspects of our work. By embracing sustainable practices, we envision a future where communities thrive, natural resources are preserved, and the Earth's ecosystems are nurtured for generations to come. We are committed to keeping our projects focused on positively benefitting the local communities and environment.

Ethical Impact

Our programs embody ethical volunteering by placing local community well-being and empowerment at the forefront. We engage in transparent collaboration, focusing on sustainable solutions that respect local cultures and preserve dignity. Through responsible, long-term projects, we foster genuine connections, create lasting change, and uphold the principles of ethical engagement.

Program Highlights

  • IVI has 35+ Years Experience - Offering Affordable and Trusted Programs.
  • Comfortable and Safe Accommodation (home stay or volunteer house).
  • Over 25,000+ Volunteers Placed Worldwide.
  • Amazing Support & Safety Record.
  • Year-round Programs, starting every Monday

Popular Programs


Help out the local staff at kindergartens in Palawan. Be sure to bring along your energy and enthusiasm as you will be volunteering with young children aged 3-6 years. You will assist the kindergarten staff with daily tasks such as feeding the kids, playing with them and providing one-on-one attention to the young children, as well as teaching them basic English.

giving injection

Healthcare professionals at rural medical clinics need the help of qualified or soon to be qualified volunteers, to assist under-funded medical clinics. You may be involved in taking patient vitals, obtaining medical history, administering inoculations, assisting with minor surgery, helping with delivery, and conducting medical screens and exams.

kids with food

Play a critical role to combat hunger in preschool children through supplementary feeding programs and nutritional education for families and community workers, in a society which is now rampant with chronic heart disease, diabetes, vitamin A deficiency, PEM and mal-nourishment due to unhealthy diets.

womens shelter

Work with vulnerable women who have been the victim domestic abuse, trafficking and abandonment. Whilst no formal training is required, this project is aimed at volunteers with backgrounds in sociology, social work, psychology, law, criminal justice, counselling, and related fields. Help provide vocational and educational activites to inspire the women.

Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 5 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 5
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Value 5
  • Safety 5
Showing 1 - 5 of 5 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Medical Internship Philippines

In the Philippines, I was able to travel with a rural health unit to local communities administering vaccinations and giving out maintenance medications. While I was unable to do some of the tasks, there was plenty to see to keep yourself interested. Everyone on my trip from my host family to clinic staff to volunteer staff were all very welcoming and accommodating. Volunteers for the Visayan's staff were very friendly and helpful. They checked in on their volunteers regularly and provided us with two retreats to see the area. The accommodations were accurate to described and I found the food to be quite good as the homestay was accommodating. The only improvement I would add is more communication throughout the planning process as I did things that were not necessary or had questions I had trouble getting the answers to.

40 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Philippines & Environmental Conservation

Highlights of the volunteering program... 4 hours a day, super fun due to the people I was with! Highlights was karaoke night & the boat trip we did one afternoon as we had the afternoon off.

Local team were amazing and so accomdating
Food was amazing !! Fried chicken, pasta, amazing curries, pancakes for breakfast and unlimited cereal all day everyday!

Thoughts on local team and accommodation....
The accommodation was way nicer than I ever expected, super comfy beds and nice cold showers!

53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

I did have a wonderful time in the Philippines and I treasure every opportunity to volunteer abroad

One of the highlights of this trip was that I got to immerse myself in a cultural-rich environment, Tacloban City. During the time, I have been given opportunities to interact and connect with the local families and children, which in turn, brought me immeasurable amount of love and joy. I was assigned to a community-feeing project at Cangumbang; and this experience was incredible from the beginning till the end — from planning, forecasting ingredients, buying extra things out of my own expense, cooking to serving there weren’t moments I didn’t enjoy. I really looked forward to each day visiting the community there and feeding the sponsored children of up to 35. After feeding, I have enjoyed the playing and chilling times with the children because they are all welcoming, amiable and simple! In addition, this trip has made me cherish all that I have, such as access to clean drinkable water and advanced public health facilities such as paced pedestrian roads.

The team was welcoming and warm-hearted. I could definitely tell that my vision with the organisation, is alike. Because that the Philippines is predominantly a Christian (Roman Catholic) country, I felt much more spiritually connected to the land and the people. The food provided by my homestay was simple yet delicious! I had no issue with the local food there at all because the filipino cuisine is very much like my home dishes, which I have found soul-comforting. Except that I had experience epsiodes of diarrhoea at the same time with my accompanying brother when we had our first contact with the restaurant foods in an adjacent mall.
My homestay nanay was nice and friendly and has always treated me like a family. I just needed to report an incident of break-in into my homestay house. My homestay was alert of this thereafter and has changed the lock of the back door and the team was aware of this issue. So I believe this security issue would be improved in a later term.

With the nutrition project, I think the future volunteers could accomplish more aside from feeding the community children. Outreach activities related to optimal nutrition could be planned out and developed, so that more and more young children and families will have a fair chance to learn from qualified health professionals and tackle the issue of malnutrition city-wide. Outside of placement times (mine was between 1pm to 5pm), I think we could have some site visits so we can understand what other sites are currently doing but again understand that the staff were busy with their own workloads.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
My homestay was neat and simple; just needed to overcome the fears of insects (cockroaches, lizards, mice etc.) and bear with the challenge of bucket shower and no flush toilet.
60 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Philippines Nutrition Project Review

Highlights of the trip:
One of the highlights of this trip was that I got to immerse myself in a cultural-rich environment, Tacloban City. During the time, I have been given opportunities to interact and connect with the local families and children, which in turn, brought me immeasurable amount of love and joy. I was assigned to a community-feeing project at Cangumbang; and this experience was incredible from the beginning till the end — from planning, forecasting ingredients, buying extra things out of my own expense, cooking to serving there weren’t moments I didn’t enjoy. I really looked forward to each day visiting the community there and feeding the sponsored children of up to 35. After feeding, I have enjoyed the playing and chilling times with the children because they are all welcoming, amiable and simple! In addition, this trip has made me cherish all that I have, such as access to clean drinkable water and advanced public health facilities such as paced pedestrian roads.
Comments on the team, food and accommodation:
The team was welcoming and warm-hearted. I could definitely tell that my vision with the organisation, is alike. Because that the Philippines is predominantly a Christian (Roman Catholic) country, I felt much more spiritually connected to the land and the people. The food provided by my homestay was simple yet delicious! I had no issue with the local food there at all because the filipino cuisine is very much like my home dishes, which I have found soul-comforting. Except that I had experience epsiodes of diarrhoea at the same time with my accompanying brother when we had our first contact with the restaurant foods in an adjacent mall.
My homestay was neat and simple; just needed to overcome the fears of insects (cockroaches, lizards, mice etc.) and bear with the challenge of bucket shower and no flush toilet. My homestay nanay was nice and friendly and has always treated me like a family. I just needed to report an incident of break-in into my homestay house. My homestay was alert of this thereafter and has changed the lock of the back door and the team was aware of this issue. So I believe this security issue would be improved in a later term.

What would you improve about this program?
With the nutrition project, I think the future volunteers could accomplish more aside from feeding the community children. Outreach activities related to optimal nutrition could be planned out and developed, so that more and more young children and families will have a fair chance to learn from qualified health professionals and tackle the issue of malnutrition city-wide. Outside of placement times (mine was between 1pm to 5pm), I think we could have some site visits so we can understand what other sites are currently doing but again understand that the staff were busy with their own workloads.
86 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Philippines English Teaching Review

Living outside your comfort zone, in a new country with a different culture from yours, sharing rooms and sleeping in bunk beds, having cold showers (which by the way I will miss) makes you look at life differently and appreciate the simple things.

I can’t put into words how rewarding it was working with the children. Teaching was a challenge but the feeling of contributing for their education and just being part of their everyday life, either in the classroom or just laying outside, is more than fulfilling. Energy that never runs out, eagerness to learn (and teach me), cheeky curiosity and genuine happiness. Pure happiness. Those are the words that would describe them.

My experience in Tigman, taught me how to be more present. Enjoy every single moment and dedicate my time to people. People who became friends just in a few days.
I will always remember the sunsets on the beach, eating the best banana fritters, the long talks in Tiki hut, dancing around the bonfire with a full moon, singing my heart out on Karaoke nights but most importantly, all the people I’ve met and were part of each moment. Kind hearts with open minds that went to make a difference. I leave Tigman with a full heart, ready to come back.

What would you improve about this program?
Their really wasn't a thing a would change. It was all truly an amazing experience. If there was one thing it could be the organisation of the place but was not an issue at all.
90 people found this review helpful.

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