Loop Abroad High School Vet- Life Changing Program

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

From beginning to end, the high school vet program with Loop Abroad was an amazing experience. The staff is incredibly supportive and engaged in everyone who attends the program. My parents were very apprehensive to allow me to go to another country and one of the founders, Adam, made to sure to answer the many questions my mom asked him over multiple phone conversations. While traveling with the program, whether that was to Thailand, in Thailand, or coming back from Thailand; I felt very safe. I experienced so many eye-opening things and enjoyed having the opportunity to socialize with our designated Thai staff member everyday. One of my most fond memories is that of planting grass at the Elephant Nature Park. Myself and one other girl from my group went with participants from other Loop groups to go plant grass for the park. My groups’ Thai staff member, Jane, came with us. After we had been planting for no more than five minutes, it started to downpour. We kept planting but we soon got off track when Jane and another Thai staff member, Say, started a mud fight. After the fight, we cleaned off by swimming across the river instead of riding back in the trucks we came in. With the Loop Abroad program you are able to make unique and special memories like this because the staff take time to give you those opportunities. On top of being a fun travel program, it is also very informative. My groups' vet, Christy, was a very good teacher and created a productive learning environment for everyone involved.In addition, after the end of every groups' time in Thailand, the Loop abroad staff has the participants fill out a survey. They want your honest feedback and take it to heart. After you return home, Loop Abroad still keeps in touch with you by offering different opportunities they come across. I would highly suggest this program to anyone wanting to learn more about veterinary medicine, as well as anyone wanting to experience an amazing culture, and making lasting memories while doing so.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed