So much more than I imagined

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I would give anything for the opportunity to relive my abroad experiences. The people I met, the food I tried, the places I've seen, and the friends I've made were some of the best parts of living overseas. When I look back to everything I did, I have no idea how I did it all. From skydiving 14,000 feet high over the Gold Coast of Australia, to being hugged by the trunk of an elephant in the villages of Bali, to swimming side by side with an actual sea turtle along the Great Barrier Reef, the amount of things I have crossed off my bucket list is amazing. TEAN provides the ability for you to explore yourself and the world while remaining a student. One of the favorite days was when me and my friends took a boat from the harbor of Whitsundays out to Whitehaven beach (the 8th best beach in the world for it's 98% silica sand). We were all in such awe from what was right before us that we jumped in the water taking pictures and splashing each other like we were 10 years old again, haha.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed