Best Semester Ever

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Studying abroad with CEA was the best choice that I ever made. I did a lot of research over several different programs and cities, but CEA Seville was by far the most appealing option!

Seville itself is an amazing city. It's in the south of Spain, so the climate is amazing. There's so much history, and the center of the city is my favorite place. I could spend hours in the Plaza de España if I had the chance! It's a very walkable city with so much to do, but it doesn't feel like a tourist destination. The people are kind, and the city is safe.

The CEA staff are some of the most helpful people I've ever met. From the moment I applied, I had someone reaching out to me weekly about the status of my applications, both the general application, and scholarship applications. They answered all of my questions and were able to help with everything I needed!

They were just as helpful when I arrived in Spain. We were picked up at the airport and taken to our homes, and shown around the city over the next few days. I really like that with CEA we take half of our classes at the CEA center, and half at our chosen university. The CEA classes are a lot of fun, and it's nice to be able to make friends both at CEA and at UPO (the school I chose) from other programs!

I love my living situation -- I live in a "casa de Seville" with several other students. We have host parents that come in and feed us every day and spend time with us, but they don't live with us. I like that we get the Spanish interaction, but also have the same amount of independence as at home!

CEA offers a variety of intercambio activities that allowed us to get to know Spanish students and make friends with locals. They also had workshops over things like Flamenco, Bullfighting, and Cooking, so that we could learn more about the Spanish culture. CEA also offers excursions outside of Seville that are tons of fun. We went to tons of cities that I wouldn't have visited otherwise, and I loved them! CEA really tries to make sure that students get the most out of their experience.

I recommend CEA, and Seville, for anyone who's wanting to study abroad! Don't be afraid, just fill out the application and go!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed