EF Barcelona

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

The two weeks I have spend in Barcelona were amazing. I have learned a new language and improved my knowledge. I kept in touch with new people and made new friends from different countries like Belgium, Canada, USA, Netherlands and Switzerland. I had a very good time with them in both places, school and outside. The host family was also very friendly and talkative. My main teacher at the EF School in Barcelona was one of my best teachers I have ever had. She is a supportive, talkative, funny and kind one who I will never forget. EF has given me the opportunity to visit an amazing country like Spain and it´s city Barcelona, where I have never been before and I´m so glad that I could grab my chance to visit it. It´s been an amazing time with all the guys and the teachers around me, cause they have given me a feeling that I am not alone in a foreign country, but in a big family where we all stick together as a team. Even if I have visited them just for a short period, it would be always a wonderful memory that I will never forget.
Thank you so much!!!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed