My Aussie intern experience

Growth: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I decided after much struggle in UK to find work even after my degree and masters in marketing that I should apply for an internship. I've always had a travel bug and thought an internship abroad would be a perfect opportunity to combine work experience with travel. However I was anxiety about travelling to a country where I knew no one and although there are numerous intern programs abroad I liked the idea of having the security of knowing I would be placed in housing with other people doing the same thing. i had a fantastic experience at my work placement -strongly advise- you really need to explain to the program coordinator exactly what you're after, I knew I wanted to work for a creative marketing company and I got exactly what I asked for. The company gave me experience and opportunities I only could have dreamed of- I have skills on my cv which sometimes take working in larger companies years to achieve of- this is the advance of working with smaller companies that allow you to learn a wide variety of skills. I didn't just make colleagues I made amazing friends who I am still in touch with now and feel so greatful they didn't mind my endless questions and made me feel so at home. Accomodation is basic but as a slightly older intern (27) I found by upgrading my room to have my own kitchen and double bed was well worth the extra money. Dylan was not only welcoming but I was fortunate enough to work with him and became a good friend who made everyone laugh and really make us feel happy in an unfamiliar place- I can not thank him enough for bringing the group together and taking us around. In terms of times I felt 3 months was the perfect length- I learnt a lot in this time and it gave me the time to make Australia my home and visit lots of places in my free time. I'm still in Australia and lived for another 6 months with friends I made on the program. It has been an amazing experience and I cannot recommend it more highly to those who want a home away from home :-)

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed