Study in Costa Rica: A Family Tradition

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 4

When my mom was in college, she studied in Costa Rica and absolutely fell in love. Because I had Spanish experience, and because my mom had gone there, I decided it was where I wanted to have my first study abroad experience--and I have absolutely no regrets.

Costa Rica is an amazing country, Universidad Veritas had a great vibe and I had a wonderful instructor for my intensive Spanish class, and my host family was so sweet and considerate. I'm still in touch with my Mama Tica, most of other students in the CISabroad program, and some other Universidad Veritas personnel!

And if you're freaked out about being in a foreign country and not knowing anyone--the CIS onsite support staff are fabulous. I had some housing issues towards the end and the onsite director was very approachable, understanding, and helpful. CIS staff will guide you through every step before you go, and every step during. I fell in love with Costa Rica, its wildlife, natural landscapes and people, just like my mom.

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Year Completed