Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange- take this opportunity!

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I grew up hearing stories of my mom's exchange year with CBYX and couldn't wait to embark on an adventure of my own in Germany. I felt very well prepared going into my exchange year, as I attended an orientation in Washington D.C. beforehand hosted by YFU. My first taste, per say, of Youth for Understanding was wonderful. I was deeply impressed by the staff members and my fellow YFU exchange students. The alumni gave great tips and engaged our attention. The YFU staff abroad in Germany were also very personable and did a great job of pushing us to use German as much as possible, even during the arrival orientation. Overall, I had a year full of surprises and adventures, but also self-development and extreme independence. While I had a support system of Area Reps and YFU staff to help me whenever I needed it, I really discovered a side of myself and of the world completely independently. My advice to anyone considering the Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange or a program with YFU: put yourself and your knowledge of what it means to be a member of a global community to the test. You will grow in ways you cannot fathom, and you will not regret your decision. The connections you make with alumni, your host family and friends abroad are important in broadening the respect we need to continue to foster for different cultures and peoples.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed