A Dream Came True

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

First of all, do forgive the clichéd start just alike any testimony that is bound to be infused with an outburst of positivity, but, I still can't help but say:

'Where do I even start?'

This opportunity, first and foremost, came to me unexpectedly at a time I needed to step out of the place I was at. I needed a head-start in my career field of interest, work in my interests was the hardest thing to find and odd jobs were a necessity to survive. But most of all, I needed to fulfil that restless travel bug within me to explore and create new experiences. I didn't want perfect, nor did I ask for the best package. I just hoped for new, adventures, memories and experiences to take with me in what I can garner in skills, and to further grow as a person. And with that, never had I expected to have gotten all from the moment I was told Intern Madrid wanted me onboard Less than a year later, without the slightest hesitation will I say that those three months spent in Madrid will always be one of the most impactful and unforgettable highlights of my life :))

Not only had I gained so much in my internship with working as a Social Media Professional at Tilo Motion (digital marketing agency) and garnering so much scope and beyond with what I do, I had also widened my networks and made friends even with the older age group in the office too. Going to work full-time was definitely beneficial in my learning and having a great team to work with everyday just made it all the better! Not only that, I've met some of the most wonderful souls in the Intern program and external social activities that I'm so proud and happy to still have as friends (and family!) even with the distance and own individual pathways. There were some great bonds made in the various time lapses throughout my stay in Madrid and people I've met in social and unexpected circumstances along the way; and they still hold close to my heart.

In terms of logistics, the accommodation (4 bedroom apartment) provided was pretty decent in a cute old Spanish neighbourhood and the location itself (between Manuel Becerra and Ventas metro stations) was quite convenient seeing its close proximity to many shops, cheap eateries, parks and sights. I've also enjoyed the various activities planned for us interns like the Toledo trip, Flamenco show, Bernabeu Stadium, rooftop bar views, food market and churro nights..(and the list goes on). Really, if you want to make the most of your stay, do make the effort to attend all or most of the events organised, as it'll only encourage you to see more of the amazing vibrant city of Madrid. Honestly, there's never enough time to cover everything, no matter how much you do. Hence why I'll be back again one day!

One thing's for sure..
From the moment you enter Intern Madrid, and the second you leave for home or other ventures, you can be well assured that you will be well taken care of! Lalita and Thalassa are incredible beings with the biggest of hearts :) It's so nice to know you're not alone and they're the smiling faces and mother hens you can turn to for any enquiries and worries, and always always, for a good chat. I certainly miss their genuine care and affection, and how close we've all gotten. It's lovelier to see that we still keep in touch con much cariño, even when away from each other. Thus, it's also evident that once you're a part of this familia, there's no way out ;)

At end, if an experience is what you need..the kind that is enriching, fulfilling and overwhelming in many spectrums, with moments that could entail downsides which will help challenge you to learn and thus grow stronger from, and incredulous upsides that leave you smiling in nostalgia, with many many friends made from all walks of life...those kinds packaged as a whole...you can find that when you take your next step with Intern Madrid. You have an adventure, work experience and a fantastic lot of beautiful hearts and faces waiting for you..

España is waiting. Gift yourself this chance :) <3

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed