Incredible semester abroad!

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I decided to study abroad in order to experience a new culture, improve my Spanish speaking skills, and gain global work experience in the tourism industry. My expectations were far exceeded! The island of Mallorca is so diverse and there is so much to explore. You can spend a morning walking the charming streets of Palma, grabbing coffee and a croissant, chatting with locals and then an afternoon at the beach, swimming in the clear water and soaking up the sun. It is simple to navigate the island and definitely worth it because of the breathtaking mountains and all the different villages that are about an hour bus ride away. One of my favorite things to do was explore the markets, sprinkled throughout the city, with loads of local produce and vendors who love to chat. I loved being able to practice my Spanish with my host mom, professors, neighbors, and locals. Everyone was welcoming and accepting. My advisors were extremely helpful, even before I arrived in Spain. They answered numerous emails and were always there to support me throughout my time with them. Classes were fun, interactive, and beneficial to my degree in tourism. It was a really cool experience to attend a Spanish university and be surrounded by Spanish college students, with whom I could make friends. I was paired with two girls native to Mallorca with whom I met with weekly to speak one hour in Spanish and one hour in English so we could both improve our conversational speaking skills. My internship experience with a local hotel really made my time abroad. I was able to truly immerse myself in the company, speaking mostly Spanish, and the work I was completing was benefiting the company. It was professional and I have been able to utilize the skills I learned with the company now that I am back in the states, applying my experience directly to my degree and adding a standout internship to my resume. I felt at home and included by my coworkers, always laughing and smiling. I was also able to travel Europe on breaks and long weekends which was incredible. The group of students I studied abroad with were all unique but we bonded over our collective curiosity and wanderlust, traveling to places I only ever dreamed of visiting. Overall, my experience changed my perspective on the world, making the globe feel smaller. My confidence is higher because my experience showed me that I can fluidly adapt to a new culture, communicate effectively in another language, and work efficiently within the tourism industry around the globe. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the CIEE Business + Tourism Program in Mallorca and have made lifelong friends, mentors, and memories.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed