My experience in Spain

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I came to Spain for a year before college to play football (soccer) at a level higher than that availible in the US for 18 year olds. In order to obtain a Student Visa and stay in the country I had to take 20 hours of classes a week and chose to do this at Education First Barcelona. Being on a team of only Spanish speakers, the obvious choice was to study Spanish. At the same time to stay in touch with my future major, I took two online classes from MIT in physics and calculus. On top of that to keep me even more busy, I worked as a model in Barcelona through a local agency. A normal day for me included waking up at 7:30 am and essentially being on the move doing something until 12:30 am. That was my goal, to be busy and through it I believe I have gotten a ton out of my experiences. I have gotten better at soccer, depending on your definition, become fluent in Spanish, and above all else lived on my own as an 18 year old far far away from just about everything I know. All the pieces lined up exteremely well and I am sure that I have developed more individually over this year than any of my previous years and I highly recommend challengeing yourself as I have.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed