Melbourne Internship - United Global Capital

Growth: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 2
Safety: 4

Overall a very valuable experience in which I believe I grew as an individual and gained important practical experience in my field of study (finance).

I feel that I was very lucky with the group of interns that I arrived with as we became very close as a group and had many enjoyable adventures together.

The company at which I worked (United Global Capital) were very good to me and I really enjoyed the working life in the city. The work itself was extremely valuable in giving me a platform on which I can further build up work experience heading towards the end of my undergraduate studies.

In terms of location - Melbourne is a very special city and a great city to be in for a young person. The nightlife and post work activities keep you busy and there is always something new and exciting to do.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed