An Amazing Experience

Growth: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

During my stay in Thailand I was able to collect a lot of experiences and dive into a new world. Completely different from what I experienced so far was not only the new lifestyle and Thai culture, no, also the company structure and business climate provided me with many new impressions. 

It was great how AIP supported me with every element of my stay, such as accommodation, visa, important local information and of course the internship placement. On my side, I had the opportunity to do a 6-month internship at Orami an e-commerce company headquartered in the heart of Bangkok. Working in the HR and Marketing departments I learned how to deal with international business affairs and explored local challenges such as the Thai language and writing.

My time overall was great! For me the perfect combination of a start in the business world and a precious personal experience.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed