
Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I don't know why I ever questioned studying abroad. To whoever is considering Seville as a travel destination: do it! I spent the happiest and most fulfilling four months of my life in Seville. I traveled throughout all of Europe, took courses in Spanish, and even had an enriching internship! Thanks to my internship opportunity, even Spaniards who are based in the United States reached out to discuss future collaborations. Not to mention, the CIEE B&S faculty is incomparable!! When I lost my passport in Paris at 5 AM, they responded so quickly and guided me step by step to retrieve my emergency passport. They are not only spectacular during emergencies, but they do a great job at equipping you with a great host family, internship, classes, travel opportunities, and much more. Gracias Sevilla, y gracias CIEE. ¡Hasta pronto!

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