Our first trip with more to come

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

This was our first trip with GDR. Our trip leaders, Katy and Peter were amazing. They were very organized and kept us informed. I felt safe with them and trusted their guidance. I've been on many mission trips. This was my first dental trip. I had some apprehension about assisting a dentist. The dentists and staff were great teachers and helped me ease into the position. I was deeply moved by the students we served. The need in Kenya is great and we were able to serve hundreds of students. The safari was a dream come true. I live on a farm with lots of wildlife. To see African wildlife in their native habitat was more than I imagined. GDR is doing marvelous work and I intend to join another trip.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed