Teaching in Thailand

Benefits: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 3
Safety: 5

Greenheart is a great organization to use if you want to teach abroad. After doing a lot of research on different organizations, Greenheart was the most comprehensive, cost effective and organized. Once we began the application process it was clear we made the right choice choosing Greenheart. Sara was beyond helpful. Any question I had day or night, I could email her and she would get back to me right away. She helped me from becoming stressed out during the application process and time leading up to departure! They send you lots of helpful material about Thailand, teaching abroad and what you can expect with both while abroad. We had a wonderful time teaching in Krabi Thailand and had it not been for Greenheart we never would have gotten to have this incredible experience!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed