I found myself here

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

DIS is described by many as "the Lamborghini of study abroad" because it is pretty dang expensive. That being said, my semester in Copenhagen was worth every penny. My classes and professors challenged me intellectually but didn't weigh me down with busy work like my American professors do, and I made incredible friends throughout the semester. The unique way that DIS structures their courses, which all include field trips (short field studies and longer study tours) around Copenhagen and Europe was a huge plus for me- I got to study genocides with an expert who's spent his whole life learning about them and then see a concentration camp with him, which I'll never forget. The program handles everything for you- your phone plan, transportation costs for around the city, resources and tips for how to adjust to the culture, and everything to do with your housing. None of my other friends who have studied abroad received that kind of support. I went abroad to learn about myself and about sustainability in Denmark, and I flew home with my expectations blown away. I wish I could do it over again and again.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed